Chronicle Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details
7 of the most interesting Chronicle easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Chronicle movie message.
Three high school friends gain superpowers after making an incredible discovery underground. Soon they find their lives spinning out of control and their bond tested as they embrace their darker sides.
Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Josh Trank
Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell, Michael B. Jordan, Michael Kelly
IMDB score
Costume details in Chronicle
[Detail] In The Chronicles of Narnia (2005), the bottom of the Lamp-post has tree-like roots This is a nod to the book The Magician's Nephew (1955), which explains that the Lamp-post was created from an iron bar that landed in the magically fertile ground.
Chronicle movie hidden details
The psychic car crush scene was done completely with practical effects
The floating camera Andrew films himself with can be seen around him in the security camera footage of him robbing the gas station.
When the Pevensie children meet Mr.Beaver Edmund is not standing with his siblings but behind them foreshadowing his betrayal.
Lucy is shown getting out of bed to go back into the wardrobe. Rather than putting on slippers, she puts on snow boots. This represents her Faith in what she knows she'll find.
When Andrew is robbing the convenience store, his camcorder can be seen in the security footage
The last name of the cop who questions Santa is an anagram of PO Dave (Police Officer Dave) - his full name is Dave Poveda