16 of the most interesting Doom easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Doom movie message.
Space Marines are sent to investigate strange events at a research facility on Mars but find themselves at the mercy of genetically enhanced killing machines.
Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, War
Andrzej Bartkowiak
Karl Urban, Rosamund Pike, Deobia Oparei, Ben Daniels
IMDB score
Doom Movie Trivia
The men who fall to their deaths after Indy cuts apart the rope bridge are being eaten by alligators. This is a mistake as crocodiles are native to India not alligators.
Indy "under/overs" his whip to coil it back up. Harrison Ford likely learned this cabling technique while working as a roadie for The Doors
Doom Movie Easter Eggs
One of the dead marines is named after the protagonist from the Wolfenstein games B.J. Blazkowicz.
- a film created by George Lucas and staring Harrison Ford - the nightclub Indy's in is called "Club Obi Wan". It's a clear homage to Obi-Wan Kenobi, from Star Wars (1977), another film created by George Lucas and staring Harrison Ford.
Accuracy details in Doom
The rope to pull the mine cart is visible during the climax fight
Doom movie hidden details
The guards stand ready to attack until Chattar Lal offers his had to shake, at which point they stand at ease.
: In a first person scene you can actually spot eye floaters in some of the frames
-- the door prop doesn't quite hold up close
- Produced by George Lucas, Starring Harrison Ford, 1 year after Return of the Jedi. Caught this Easter egg tonight for the first time.
The song playing for Sol's makes his big entrance is Fine Young Cannibals' "Good Thing", only to have the following portion of the scene include cannibalism.
. Is that a facehugger dangling from the ceiling?
The club in the first part of the movie is called Club Obi Wan, a nod to Fords other huge hit franchise Star Wars
: The club Harrison Ford is running from in the fight sequence in the beginning is called Club Obi Wan.
When Willy is getting sacrificed and the door opens, it makes the lightsaber ignition sound (0:57)
The opening scene takes place at Club Obi Wan. Harrison Ford is the star of the Indiana Jones franchise and also plays Han Solo in the Star Wars franchise (which features a character named Obi Wan Kenobi).
The club at the beginning of the movie is named "Club Obi Wan" a nod to Spielberg's friend George Lucas' Jedi character from Star Wars