29 of the most interesting Elf easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Elf movie message.
After discovering he is a human, a man raised as an elf at the North Pole decides to travel to New York City to locate his real father.
Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Romance
Jon Favreau
Will Ferrell, James Caan, Bob Newhart, Edward Asner
IMDB score
Elf Movie Trivia
The scene in Elf (2003) where Buddy eats the spaghetti with various amounts of chocolate/candy in it had to be filmed twice, as Will Ferrell vomited the first time he tasted the conspicuously cloying concoction.
Director Jon Favreau used a remote control to trigger the 'Jack in the Box' toys to get genuine startled reactions from Will Ferrell
The Hobbs family lives in the Gozer building from Ghostbusters.
Rule #11 "Guns are for the weak." is an obvious addition to the original rules, after the grandmaster was killed with a shotgun.
Elf Movie Easter Eggs
The status bar is a candy cane. Isn't that nice?
Buddy is seen reading Pigmalion. The classic 1913 play "Pygmalion" deals with a poor woman out of place in a high social class society, much like how Buddy the Elf is out of place in modern society
The news footage of Buddy the Elf in Central Park is a reference to the famous 'Bigfoot sighting.'
During the Miles Finch meeting Buddy is wearing the exact same outfit as his date the night before. He crashed this meeting to tell his dad about the date, meaning he didn't see him the night before to tell him. Buddy "slept over" at Jovie's the night of his date.
. Casey (Jesse Eisenberg) discovers VHS tapes labelled "Faces of Fists", which is a spoof on the infamous VHS title "Faces of Death" which shocked viewers back in the early 1980s with its documentary style presentation of extreme violence and gore.
Accuracy details in Elf
Papa Elf states at the beginning of the movie "there are only 3 jobs available to an elf", but his job makes this statement incorrect.
Costume details in Elf
Buddy the Elf wraps all of the toys on the shelf in preparation for Santa's visit to Gimbel's
Elf movie hidden details
Will Ferrell's jump scare reactions were genuine. Director Jon Favreau had the Jack in the Boxes wired to spring by remote control at his choosing.
The pause menu bar is a candy cane.
Buddy and Jovie name their daughter Susie in honor of his biological mother Susan Wells who passed away after he was given up for adoption.
The elves have a pitcher of syrup in their break room instead of coffee.
Santa says his sleigh couldn't fly because the Clause-O-Meter dropped to zero (no one believed in him). This scene happened right after Buddy lost all faith in Christmas- he was the last person who believed in Santa.
Buddy is always hunched over whenever he stands up indoors, even when there's plenty of room to stand at full height. He never hunches at all after leaving the North Pole, showing that he was constantly overcompensating for his large size even when it was unnecessary.
Buddy sees a sign in Gimbel's Dept. store reading, "the perfect gift for that special someone" and buys lingerie for his Dad. In the final scene of the family singing, the same lingerie is seen as having been gifted by someone; Dad to Mom? Buddy to Mom? Buddy to Jovie? It's a mystery.
When Buddy and Jovie have a daughter. They name her Suzzie after Buddy's deceased biological mom Susan Wells. Merry Christmas.
Buddy (Will Ferrell) is reading "Pigmalion" in his father's office, which is probably a children's version of "Pygmalion", among other things a play about a man trying to get a lower-class girl to fit into high class society.
Buddy named his daughter Susie in honor of his biological mother who passed away, Susan Wells.
When Buddy is traveling from the North Pole down to New York, the iceberg he floated down on had shrunk down to a size he could barely stand on
If Buddy's dad had kept lip singing, would Santa's Sleigh have not had enough Christmas Spirit, meaning everyone would have gotten ran over by Santa's Sleigh?
Santa mentions to Buddy that he's been to New York "thousands of times". Even going all the way back to its previous names New York has only been a settled area for about 500 years. Santa must visit out of season a LOT.
When Buddy crawls out of Santa's bag, the elves automatically assume that he came from the orphanage. The orphanage wasn't his only stop (obviously). He very well could have been some other random family's kid.
Buddy goes to see his step brother leaving school. As he is chasing him you can see a man notice the camera crew (left in white shirt) and immediately glance away.
- Buddy's To Do List says "Things To Do Today With My Dad Today"
The fuzzy eyewitness footage of buddy in the park replicates the bigfoot footage
When Buddy screams in pain at the doctor doing his finger prick, you can tell James Caan is laughing as he turns his back to the camera.