Evil Dead Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details
15 of the most interesting Evil Dead easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Evil Dead movie message.
Five friends head to a remote cabin, where the discovery of a Book of the Dead leads them to unwittingly summon up demons living in the nearby woods.
Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
Fede Alvarez
Jane Levy, Shiloh Fernandez, Lou Taylor Pucci, Jessica Lucas
IMDB score
Evil Dead Movie Trivia
He helped fund the sequel, Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn (1987), by dining with producer Dino De Laurentiis . Director Sam Raimi even credits King for getting the movie made.
The liquid pouring out of Henrietta's ear is actually pure sweat. The full latex suit Ted Raimi had to wear was so unbearably hot that liters of sweat had to be drained from it at the end of each day.
Evil Dead Movie Easter Eggs
After Ash cuts off his hand the next frame is the book A Farewell to Arms.
While Ash is searching for the missing Necronomicon pages, there is a glove with blades attached to the fingers hanging on the wall; a nod to Freddy Kreuger's iconic glove.
During the incantation, the audio actually contains the phrase: "Sam and Rob are the hitchhikers on the road." Referring to a scene at the beginning of the movie where two hitchhikers wave at the car. Those hikers were Sam Raimi (director) and Rob Tapert (producer).
There's a Hill's Have Eye's poster in the back ground. As a sort of acknowledgment/tribute, Wes Craven has Evil Dead be the movie Nancy Thompson is watching. Then, in another installment of the Evil Dead series, a Freddy Kruger glove can be found hanging by a door.
Evil Dead movie hidden details
After Ash cuts off his hand and is forced to fight it, a clock can be seen in the background with its minute "hand" bleeding mirroring Ash's predicament
' one of the books on the can that traps Ash's possessed hand is Ernest Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms".
The main characters' names are David, Eric, Mia, Olivia, and Natalie. The first letter of each of their names spells out the word D-E-M-O-N.
Sam Raimi included Freddy Kruegar's glove as a rebutal for showing Evil Dead during Nightmare on Elm Street
Early in Evil Dead (1981), Cheryl's veins turn black during the scene where she first scribbles the images of the Necronomicon.
They arranged the amulet chain into a skull before Ash picks it up.
When Ash recovers the second page of the book of the dead from the fruit cellar, he takes it with his right hand (which was previously cut off and replaced with a chainsaw).
Linda's necklace, when reached by Ash, resembles a skull
Wes Cravens poster for the hills have eyes (1977) can be seen. Not to be out done in a nightmare on elm street (1984) Nancy is seen watch evil dead (1981) and again in the evil dead 2 (1987) a prop of Freddy kruegers glove can be seen.