Holes Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details

3 of the most interesting Holes easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Holes movie message.

Holes poster
Holes poster
Holes Plot

A wrongfully convicted boy is sent to a brutal desert detention camp where he joins the job of digging holes for some mysterious reason.

Genre Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Mystery
Director Andrew Davis
Stars Sigourney Weaver, Jon Voight, Tim Blake Nelson, Shia LaBeouf
IMDB score 7.0

Holes movie hidden details

During a flashback scene Sam sells onion juice to a bald man and tells him to rub it on his head during the night. The man in this scene is actually Louis Sachar, the author of Holes.

1 - Sam recites the rest of the line in "Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe as he overhears Kate read it to a student. Annabel Lee is about the love between Poe and his deceased lover. At the end of this poem, he lays beside his lovers grave, which Kate does to Sam next to his boat where he died.

Sam recites the rest of the line in "Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe as he overhears Kate read it to a student. Annabel Lee is about the love between Poe and his deceased lover. At the end of this poem, he lays beside his lovers grave, which Kate does to Sam next to his boat where he died.

1 - The boat "Mary Lou" paint changes slightly in a flashback, the first appearance in which the boat is older has no paint, the second appearance in a flashback in which the boat is slightly younger has flaked and faded blue paint.

The boat "Mary Lou" paint changes slightly in a flashback, the first appearance in which the boat is older has no paint, the second appearance in a flashback in which the boat is slightly younger has flaked and faded blue paint.