50 of the most interesting Life easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Life movie message.
A team of scientists aboard the International Space Station discover a rapidly evolving life form that caused extinction on Mars and now threatens all life on Earth.
Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Daniel Espinosa
Hiroyuki Sanada, Ryan Reynolds, Rebecca Ferguson, Jake Gyllenhaal
IMDB score
Life Movie Trivia
The main character names the tiger that survives with him "Richard Parker", the same name of a real sailor who was killed to be eaten on the ship the Mignonette, after the sailors who killed him returned home they went on trial which became a famous legal case on England.
A Bug's Life (1998) P.T. Flea' s circus is transported in an animal cracker box called Casey Jr. cookies by J. Grant Bakery. Joe Grant wrote Dumbo (1941), in which the famous Casey Jr. train transported the circus.
When the People's Front of Judea are scheming in a meeting, the one that are taking notes are scribbling form right to left - which would make sense since Arabic languages are written and read from right to left (and the movie is set in the middle east)
The villain Mr Potter goes unpunished and does not repent. This is in violation of the Hays Code, which contained a requirement that criminal wrongdoing in movies must never be depicted as going unpunished unless criminals are shown to repent.
: In the scene when Uncle Billy drunkenly walks off, a loud crash is heard a moment later and Uncle Billy reassure George that he is alright. This scene was unscripted and happened due to a stagehand dropping a tray of props during filming. WARNING: Clip is loud.
You can see a fan in the background while Brian is running from the romans
When the comedian ask Daniel how he died he says, "Onstage, like you." Later he tells Julia he can't leave because the comedian is his father. Albert Brooks' real father had a heart attack and died on stage at a Friars Club roast of Lucille and Dezi Arnez.
Life Movie Easter Eggs
For the longest time, I never understood why the grasshoppers in A Bug's Life (1998) had a feral grasshopper amongst their ranks. Today I finally figured it out, he's a locust, a grasshopper in its crazed "swarming" phase
A trailer is shown to be outside of the circus tent, along with the Pizza Planet truck featured in Toy Story (1995). Both of these can also be seen in Monsters, Inc. (2001).
Alfred Hitchcock had a problem, his signature cameo in all his films was difficult when the film is set on a small boat. Before considering being a dead body floating past he came up with the idea of having a before and after photo in the newspaper to immortalize his weight loss
And its inspiration, Seven Samurai (1954)
You can see a Planet Pizza Truck which exists in nearly all Pixar movies.
Anyone ever notice that the Monsters University (2013) music is the same as the "Every Sperm is Sacred" song in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life (1983) ?!
Accuracy details in Life
Hopper uses his antennae to smell Princess Atta as insects smell using their antennae.
Life Movie Foreshadowing
The unruly customer who demands a large portion of George's funds during the run on the bank is the very first to arrive at his house to give him money at the end of the movie
-Mr. Gower yells at George that he's not paid to be a canary. Canaries were used in mines as a warning of toxic gas. Later, George warns Mr. Gower the medicine he made was poison, saving a boy and saving Mr. Gower's from ruin. So actually, George was paid to be a canary.
Life movie hidden details
Manny, a mantis, is married to Gypsy, a butterfly, because if he he was married to another mantis, he wouldn't have survived their wedding night
Rocko pops in an orange Fatheads VHS tape, referencing the old Nickelodeon tapes which always came in their signature orange color.
The wall behind Walter represents his colorful and creative mind, but quickly transitions to dark gray colors representing the dull work life.
When Max and Duke ask Snowball who he is, he tells them they are the "Flushed Pets" and the iguana throws up a "FP" gang sign
One of Gidget's owners is two-timing.
The carnivorous island represents Pi's dead mother (orang utan). We can see this through the fact that Pi finds nourishment and sustenance in the island, much like he ate the flesh of his dead mother in the darker version of the story. Also the island looks like a woman laying down.
There is a Siamese cat in Pops Puppy Class. Siamese are known for their dog-like behavior.
Zack's picture of Aubrey Plaza in Life After Beth (2014) is from when Andy and April take a road trip to the Grand Canyon in Parks and Recreation (Season 4, Ep 6). Also "Mailman Barry" reappears as "Chip the Mailman".
Jimmy Stewart accepts his life in the end as seen in his appreciation of the broken stairpost in his home. In Christmas Vacation, Chevy Chase fixes it with a chainsaw.
When I noticed the carnivorous island looks a lot like a human floating on its back. Earlier in the movie Pi explains to the writer: Vishnu sleeps on the shore-less cosmic ocean, and we are the stuff of his dreams." The island is a representation of Vishnu.
Manny is a praying mantis who's married to a butterfly. The reason he's not married to another praying mantis is because female mantises have a reputation for decapitating and eating their mates.
When he is preparing for work, you can see old skater magazines in his closet, which explains his skate boarding abilities later in the film.
All the books that Pi is shown reading during the early stages of the film foreshadow the future events of the film, either through the books' cover or their story (Explanation in comments)
Not sure if this belongs here, but Sesame Street's Bert and Ernie are named after the the two side characters in It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
It appears Gidgets owner is having an affair
Red or blue car. He chooses the red car signifying he's ready to take the plunge after a life of dreaming.
When Pi discovers the island with the meerkats, there are fish skeletons everywhere, foreshadowing what happens there after dark
Final scene, the escape pod that contain David and the dragon look alike alien Calvin, lands in Halong Bay, Vietnam (my home) HaLong (H? Long) means "descending dragons" in Vietnamese
In the scene when Walter decides to go to Nuuk, one of the Past Magazine Cover has Walter's photo with the title, "Making of a Brave Man" implying that Walter finally took up the courage and was turning brave by finally doing what he wanted to do.
When Chloe tells Pops she's a cat he replies, "Well, nobody's perfect". This is a nod to a scene between Jack Lemmon's character, Daphne and Osgood Fielding in Some Like It Hot when Daphne reveals that she's really a man.
: Whenever George is begging Mr. Potter for something or desperate (asking for a loan, accepting a job offer from Potter), he is shown as physically below him. But when George is standing up to Potter, George is physically above him.
Camren and Jorge look at each other when Manolo picks up his guitar while all the other Sanchez family members are in disbelief because they're the only 2 who believe in his music.
The company slogan of Conglom-O changes throughout the film. It starts off as "We still own you", then it changes to "We own squat", and at the end it changes to "We still own you again."
The only clue you get that Cate Blanchett's character was a smoker is that she's chewing gum all the time.
The scene where Max and Duke are taken to the dog park, there is a man who thought he got stood up for a date, gives a bouquet of flowers to the woman sitting by him and hits on her, and later gets slapped by the original date when she arrives.
For his cameo in Lifeboat (1944), director Alfred Hitchock appears in a newspaper advertisement for the fictional 'Reduco Obesity Slayer' weight-loss plan. The restricted setting limited the scope of him appearing as a live character. Photographs taken IRL during his rapid weight loss were used.
Eddie Murphy's character travels from New York to Mississippi where he makes fun of the Southern accent. As the years pass be begins speaking in a Southern accent.
The guy introducing Mike Lowrey at the wedding is none of than Michael Bay, the director of the first two Bad Boys movies
They say that every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings; after George decides he wants to live and is running home through Bedford Falls, bells can be seen all over town, including a theater playing The Bells of St.Mary's (begins at the 1:50 mark).
Todd Maher tells Walter he had imagined him as a "little gray piece of paper", referring to the negative used for the cover at the end of the film.
When they show any closeup shot of the Casey's Cookies box, you can see the rosette pattern that would be created by the four-color printing process (CMYK). Something a human would need a magnifying glass to see.
A Bug's Life after the circus bugs are found to be frauds an ant off screen says "Staff sergeant Slim?". Slim is the stick bug. And he is the STAFF sergeant.
The character Joaquin, who is motivated to fight crime because of the death of his father, jumps in front of the moon mirroring the Dark Knight Returns Batman, who is also motivated to fight crime because of the death of his parents
Dan is still wearing the bowling shoes after the confrontation at the bowling alley.