Mission: Impossible Fallout Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details
14 of the most interesting Mission: Impossible Fallout easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Mission: Impossible Fallout movie message.
Mission Impossible: Fallout (2018) The White Widow is the daughter of Max, the secondary villain in the original Mission Impossible movie.
Vanessa Kirby plays The White Widow, an arms broker. In her opening monologue, she mentions her mother Max, who was also an arms broker, played by Vanessa Redgrave in the original Mission: Impossible (1996).
The fun identification number on this helicopter in Mission Impossible: Fallout. Giddy up!
Tom Cruise asks "Are we clear?" to Henry Cavill who responds "Crystal." This exchange is taken word-for-word from "A Few Good Men" also starring Cruise.
Ethan Hunt pulls out a phone from a supposed John Lark which has broken screen but later Agent Walker delivers the same phone to Director Sloane with its screen intact subtly suggesting what Walkers real intensions might be.
The helicopter Armie Hammer's character uses to escape uses the ID G-DEUP, or "Giddy Up", a nod to his previous role of The Lone Ranger (2013)
Accuracy details in Mission: Impossible Fallout
Mission Impossible Fallout: Did the gunshot from Ilsa sound like it came from a gun with a silencer? Her gun doesn't have one and maybe it is tech MI6 developed but coundn't find anything online. Sorry for the terrible quality, had a few b'day drinks and just filmed it on my laptop from my phone
Costume details in Mission: Impossible Fallout
When Tom Cruise falls on his knees in the Bathroom fight in "Mission Impossible: Fallout" (2018) you can see the tiles bend down. This is because, for stunt safety, the entire room's floor was made of special foam rubber rather than actual tiles.
Mission: Impossible Fallout movie hidden details
Henry Cavill's August Walker can be seen standing on the left, in the video about The Apostles. Giving way to his true intentions throughout the film.
Mission: Impossible - Fallout. Simon Pegg's jacket changes color when he is getting his disguise together.
the bathroom scene of MI: Fallout, the sounds of Walker's punch impacts on Lark form the Mission Impossible theme
Hunley and Ethan are talking and Hunley says Ethan has "2 hours to find Lark". This is at 18:15, the movie is 2 hours and 27 minutes long including credits. That means it's about 2 hours from his statement to the credits
Right after Ethan crashes his bike during the Arc de Triomphe chase, he pulls out his blade to cut the mesh leading to his escape route with Benji waiting in a speedboat below.
Mission: Impossible - Fallout As Walker and Lane make their getaway off the rooftop with Hunt in pursuit, Walker waves at Hunt as the helicopter pulls away. With call sign/tail sign G-DEUP, Giddyup call back to a getaway on horseback