Shaun Of The Dead Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details

43 of the most interesting Shaun Of The Dead easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Shaun Of The Dead movie message.

Shaun Of The Dead poster
Shaun Of The Dead poster
Shaun Of The Dead Plot

A man's uneventful life is disrupted by the zombie apocalypse.

Genre Comedy, Horror
Director Edgar Wright
Stars Simon Pegg, Kate Ashfield, Nick Frost, Lucy Davis
IMDB score 7.9

Shaun Of The Dead Movie Trivia

When Shaun is in the convenience store for the second time in the movie, you can hear the Indian radio cut to a broadcast of an Indian man telling people in Hindi to not go outside and that the dead are rising.

1 - A newscaster, voiced by director Edgar Wright, states that the zombie virus may have originated through angry monkeys. This is how the virus in "28 Days Later" also originated

A newscaster, voiced by director Edgar Wright, states that the zombie virus may have originated through angry monkeys. This is how the virus in "28 Days Later" also originated

1 - A Black Baby sombrero ashtray was intentionally removed by Edgar Wright, only being in a single shot of the movie.

A Black Baby sombrero ashtray was intentionally removed by Edgar Wright, only being in a single shot of the movie.

Coldplay's Chris Martin does NOT cameo as a zombie version of himself.

There is a two-minute long uninterrupted Steadicam shot which highlights how oblivious the main character is to the apocalypse unfolding around him.

1 - Most of the zombie extras were fans of Spaced, a show that Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, and Nick Frost worked on together.

Most of the zombie extras were fans of Spaced, a show that Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, and Nick Frost worked on together.

Edgar Wright's voice brings up the possible origin of the zombie outbreak, while also referencing George Romero's "Night of the Living Dead."

Shaun Of The Dead Movie Easter Eggs

1 - <b></b>the film "Hot Fuzz" starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost there is a copy of the film "Shaun of the Dead" in the local super market, another film starring Simon Pegg.

the film "Hot Fuzz" starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost there is a copy of the film "Shaun of the Dead" in the local super market, another film starring Simon Pegg.

1 - When Shaun tells Ed the first version of his plan, his cup says "I am a genius" in the fantasy sequence

When Shaun tells Ed the first version of his plan, his cup says "I am a genius" in the fantasy sequence

When Shaun goes to the shop unaware of the zombie apocalypse the radio is playing a message, "The dead have come back to life, flee!", but Shaun doesn't notice as it in Hindi.

1 - Zombie Tyres from the sitcom Spaced (1999) can be spotted amongst the horde.

Zombie Tyres from the sitcom Spaced (1999) can be spotted amongst the horde.

While on the bus the first time, the song being played is "Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft 400.

Shaun Of The Dead movie hidden details

1 - The films key events are laid out by Ed before the zombies rise

The films key events are laid out by Ed before the zombies rise

The guy behind Shaun in the queue at the paper shop is also the zombie who walks in through his front door later on

1 - A radio Shaun walks past mentions a deep space probe breaking apart over a populated area. This is possibly the cause of the zombie outbreak in the film.

A radio Shaun walks past mentions a deep space probe breaking apart over a populated area. This is possibly the cause of the zombie outbreak in the film.

Shaun's last name is Riley and he used to be DJ. This is only mentioned on a poster visible in his house.

Shaun of the Dead when the zombie shop clerk is walking towards Shaun he's holding his hand out because Shaun owes him "15 p"

1 - When Shaun gets attacked by zombies in 'Shaun of the Dead' (2004), the shop clerk zombie approaches him with one hand held out because Shaun still owes him "15p."

When Shaun gets attacked by zombies in 'Shaun of the Dead' (2004), the shop clerk zombie approaches him with one hand held out because Shaun still owes him "15p."

Near the beginning, Ed tells Shaun about Snakehips who is 'always surrounded by women'. The next time you see him he is surrounded by, and being eaten by, women.

1 - A poster can be seen advertising an event on Wednesday the 18th, implying that the movie started on Friday the 13th. (Explanation in comments)

A poster can be seen advertising an event on Wednesday the 18th, implying that the movie started on Friday the 13th. (Explanation in comments)

Shaun slips on something on the floor in the convenience store: despite not being shown on screen, the context of the bloody handprints on the cooler tells you it was blood.

1 - Shaun tells Liz he'll make a reservation for "the place that does all the fish." Later, when he finds Fucci's restaurant in the address book, it's description is "the place that does all the fish."

Shaun tells Liz he'll make a reservation for "the place that does all the fish." Later, when he finds Fucci's restaurant in the address book, it's description is "the place that does all the fish."

1 - Ed tells Shaun about a guy who is "Always surrounded by women". He can be seen later, surrounded by women, as they feast on his corpse.

Ed tells Shaun about a guy who is "Always surrounded by women". He can be seen later, surrounded by women, as they feast on his corpse.

1 - Ed would've lived if Shaun never took a piss in the toilet upstairs of his apartment, Pete never would've exited the bathroom and follow them to the Winchester.

Ed would've lived if Shaun never took a piss in the toilet upstairs of his apartment, Pete never would've exited the bathroom and follow them to the Winchester.

1 - You can see that one of the people walking around is Chris Martin from the band Coldplay that turned into a Zombie

You can see that one of the people walking around is Chris Martin from the band Coldplay that turned into a Zombie

Shaun keeps bumping into an old friend who is also trying to survive the zombie attacks. The friend's name is Yvonne, making her Yvonne of the Dead.

1 - : Early in the film when Pete and Ed are having a tiff, Pete tells Ed to live in a shed if he wanted to live like an animal, foreshadowing Ed's eventual fate.

: Early in the film when Pete and Ed are having a tiff, Pete tells Ed to live in a shed if he wanted to live like an animal, foreshadowing Ed's eventual fate.

Early in the film Shaun asks Liz for the definition of the word "exacerbate" after the latter used it. Two days later, Shaun emphatically uses the word to explain their dire situation.

Ed is playing Timesplitters 2 while Shaun gives shooting instructions, ending with 'nice shot'. At the Winchester, Shaun is firing at the zombies while Ed gives the same exact instructions, ending with 'nice shot'.

1 - During a short transitional scene in 'Shaun of the Dead' (2004), Shaun is riding the bus while music is playing loudly from the headphones of the man in front of him. The song that is playing is 'Kernkraft 400' by the artist Zombie Nation, a subtle nod to the zombie uprising sweeping the country.

During a short transitional scene in 'Shaun of the Dead' (2004), Shaun is riding the bus while music is playing loudly from the headphones of the man in front of him. The song that is playing is 'Kernkraft 400' by the artist Zombie Nation, a subtle nod to the zombie uprising sweeping the country.

1 - <b></b>the scene where Shaun and Yvonne part ways in Shaun Of The Dead (2004), they almost kiss while hugging, this is reminiscent of their characters in the predecessor series Spaced, who had a history of romantic tension.

the scene where Shaun and Yvonne part ways in Shaun Of The Dead (2004), they almost kiss while hugging, this is reminiscent of their characters in the predecessor series Spaced, who had a history of romantic tension.

1 - The wedding zombie that invades their living room can be seen during Shaun's visit to the shop following the outbreak.

The wedding zombie that invades their living room can be seen during Shaun's visit to the shop following the outbreak.

Ed's mate Noodles who calls wanting to buy some pot is Shaun's coworker Noel. Ed tells him he's only "got Henry" (an eighth) left for himself. Noel later complains on the phone during Shaun's team meeting that his hookup only "got Henry" and none to sell.

1 - The word "vaccine" is misspelled with one 'c'

The word "vaccine" is misspelled with one 'c'

the first bus scene there's a transition song that fades, alluding to the guy in front of him wearing headphones. That song is called "Zombie Nation" by Kernkraft 400.

Shaun asks Liz what exacerbate means. In a later scene, Shaun uses the word exacerbate correctly in a sentence.

1 - Ed tells Pete that the track they are listening to is not hip hop, it's electro. The actual name of the song is 'Hip Hop, Be Bop' by Man Parrish

Ed tells Pete that the track they are listening to is not hip hop, it's electro. The actual name of the song is 'Hip Hop, Be Bop' by Man Parrish

1 - Shaun's roommate Pete tells Shaun's best friend, Ed, to live in the shed if he wants to live like an animal, when Ed is turned in to a zombie he lives in the she's like an animal

Shaun's roommate Pete tells Shaun's best friend, Ed, to live in the shed if he wants to live like an animal, when Ed is turned in to a zombie he lives in the she's like an animal

Opens with 'Ghost Town' by The Specials, forecasting the empty streets after the zombie infection outbreak.

1 - There's a scene of news footage and in the background of one shot a zombie falls over. That zombie is played by the director, Edger Wright

There's a scene of news footage and in the background of one shot a zombie falls over. That zombie is played by the director, Edger Wright

1 - There is Japanese on the back of the TV which spells out 'mimume'. Knowing Edgar Wright this must mean something, does anyone know?

There is Japanese on the back of the TV which spells out 'mimume'. Knowing Edgar Wright this must mean something, does anyone know?

I noticed this street sign that had a fair amount of screen time at 42 minute mark. "Hot Fuzz" tease?

Pete asks Ed mockingly to take everybody's messages saying "it's not that taxing, is it? Writing something on a scrap of paper?" As he turns his back, Ed has written "I AM A PRICK" on paper and stuck it to the back of his suit jacket