11 of the most interesting Taxi easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Taxi movie message.
To work off his tarnished driving record, a hip taxi driver must chauffeur a loser police inspector on the trail of German bank robbers.
Action, Comedy, Crime
Gérard Pirès
Samy Naceri, Frédéric Diefenthal, Marion Cotillard, Manuela Gourary
IMDB score
Taxi Movie Trivia
During his scene with Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver (1976), director Martin Scorcese had to sit on phone books to make himself fit in the frame for the camera for his scene
Taxi Movie Easter Eggs
Initially received an X-Rating due to the graphic violence of the final shootout. To attain an R-Rating, Martin Scorsese had the colors de-saturated, making the brightly colored blood less prominent, a change he considered a big improvement on what was originally shot
Th time, i notice the director, Martin Sorcesse as a background character!
Travis actually gets that "organizized" poster he joked to Betsy about
Harvey Keitels character Sport (left) has one long pinky fingernail on his right hand for scooping cocaine and snorting it.
Costume details in Taxi
Robert De Niro is shown dumping sugar into his drink seconds after his voiceover says he had black coffee, underscoring both the narrator's unreliability and penchant for sweets.
Taxi movie hidden details
Queen Latifah accidentally kicks the person behind her as she gets off of her bike.
Driver (1976), a few references are made of Travis Bickle's service in the armed forces: when asking for a job, he says he was a marine; his green M-65 field jacket; but probably the subtlest hint is how he rolls up and packs away his sleeping bag during the day, like any good soldier would.
Travis keeps the crumpled $20 bill he receives by Sport to 'forget about' his abuse of Iris, the underage prostitute. He later hands that same bill back to the other pimp at the place where Iris works
Travis takes Betsy to lunch when they talk about signs with goofy puns (Organeziezd, Thimk). Later, when Travis asks her on a second date and Betsy pauses to think, a bus pulls past them with the phrase "Olive It Up", a sign of encouragement for her to take a chance with Travis.
a late scene in Taxi Driver (1976), Travis is shown wearing a button that has the "are" in it underlined. This is a mistake from the printing company which Tom argues on the phone about earlier in the movie. According to Tom, the "We" should be underlined and no the "are".