Terminator Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details
50 of the most interesting Terminator easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Terminator movie message.
A cyborg comes from the future, to kill a girl named Sarah Lee.
Genre | Short, Action, Sci-Fi |
Director | Ben Hernandez |
Stars | Loris Basso, James Callahan, Debbie Medows, Michelle Kovach |
IMDB score | 6.1 |
Terminator Movie Trivia
As he walks away from Arnold you can see the T-1000 "pulse" into liquid metal for seemingly no reason - In the deleted scenes, it is made clear the T-1000 is malfunctioning after reassembling itself and is struggling to control its form

When Kyle and Sarah are leaving the Tiki Motel, Kyle looks cleaner than at any other time in the movie. He may have experienced the only bath/shower of his entire life.

The opening scene was shot at a demolished steel plant. The twisted motorcycles, burnt cars and blackened cinders are debris from the Universal Studios fire of 1989, when a disgruntled security guard torched the back lot.

The iconic twirling of the shotgun was achieved using a heavily modified prop gun. Originally, Arnold Schwarzenegger attempted the trick without the modification by mistake, reportedly leading him to nearly break his fingers.

Lieutenant Traxler assures Sarah she is safe as there are "30 Police Officers" in the Police Station. During the Terminator's rampage, if you count all the cops he shoots on screen, in addition to the gunshots he fires offscreen, it adds up to exactly 30.

The protagonists make a stop at a "Cactus Jack's Market". Cactus Jack (1979) was one of the first movie roles of Arnold Schwarzenegger, alongside Kirk Douglas.

When the cleaner knocks on the Terminator's door, he knocks in the same beat that the score uses to tell the audience of the machine's presence.

-- The machine Dyson is building is reminiscent of the "Connection Machine", worked on by renowned physicist Richard Feynman, which also aimed to produce AI

James Cameron purposefully named the club where the shooting happens Technoir as he knew his movie was mixing typical elements from film noir (urban setting, femme fatal, private eye) with futurist features in the same way Blade Runner (1982) did two years ago.

Arnold Schwarzenegger received $15 million for delivering a total of 700 words of dialogue. That works out to $85,716 for saying, "Hasta la vista, baby."
Arnold's lever-action shotgun had to be specially modified for his iconic "flip-cock". He nearly broke his fingers when he tried flipping an unmodified version.
The Terminator is portrayed by Franco Columbu, Arnold Schwarzenegger's best friend and bodybuilding rival.
Terminator Movie Easter Eggs

: The petrol station that Sarah, John and the T-800 hide out in is a Benthic Petroleum station, the company from The Abyss.
The toy truck Arnold runs over at the beginning of the film is nearly identical to the real truck he drives at the end.

The laser used on the 1911 Longslide was custom made for the movie by Laser Products Corp, (later Surefire) as laser sights were rare at the time. It required an external power supply run through the sleeve and a switch that was activated with opposite hand in jacket pocket.
The T-800 Terminator had 256K of RAM and appears to run on Basic. Same as a Commodore 64 with a RAM extension card.

the scene where John Connor first sees the T-800, when getting the gun out of the box of roses, this is a reference towards Guns 'n' Roses who did "You Could Be Mine" for the movie (can be heard when John leaves his foster parents on his bike).
Accuracy details in Terminator

Throughout the Terminator franchise, dogs are shown to detect and bark in the presence of terminators. But in Terminator Dark Fate (2019) the terminator "Carl" has a dog that doesn't bark at him, showing he has become more human than machine.

During the helicopter chase scene, the T-1000 creates a third hand to control the helicopter while he reloads with his other two.

Sarah Connor remarks the the Terminator "weighs 400 lbs" and yet he is sitting on a flimsy garden chair

There is a clear shot of Arnold Schwarzenegger's stunt double during the first chase between the T-1000 and T-800.
Costume details in Terminator
The T-800 runs through the fire of a burning car, which immediately scorches off his hair and eye brows, giving him a creepy 'rubbery' look for the remainder of the film.