The Fellowship Of The Ring Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details
26 of the most interesting The Fellowship Of The Ring easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of The Fellowship Of The Ring movie message.
The Fellowship Of The Ring posterThe Fellowship Of The Ring Plot
A meek Hobbit from the Shire and eight companions set out on a journey to destroy the powerful One Ring and save Middle-earth from the Dark Lord Sauron.
Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Peter Jackson
Alan Howard, Noel Appleby, Sean Astin, Sala Baker
IMDB score
The Fellowship Of The Ring Movie Trivia
The final words of The Book of Mazarbul are written in a hastily jotted Elvish script, as runes are difficult to write speedily
The Argonath statues in The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) are segmented, meaning they weren't carved from one piece of stone, they were built block by block.
During Boromir's last stand, his horn is cleaved in half. This is what happens in the novel and is how his family knows he has died, after the cleaved horn travels down the river to Gondor.
Legolas is the only non-Hobbit member of fellowship that Frodo sees in Mirror of Galadriel
While trying to use the Pass of Caradhras in LOTR : The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), Legolas walks over the the snow with ease due to his elvish light of feet.
The Fellowship Of The Ring Movie Easter Eggs
Sauron laughs after Gandalf speaks the Black Speech in Rivendell
Boromir screams for Frodo to give him the ring - you can hear Sauron's voice through Boromir's "Give me the ring!"
Accuracy details in The Fellowship Of The Ring
Legolas is the only one walking on the snow because he is extremely light.
Costume details in The Fellowship Of The Ring
You can see the axe that Gimli would later pick up and use in the rest of the movies
Merry and Pippin are in awe that the serving size of ale comes in pints. This is due to the fact that for the first time, the two (undersized Hobbits) are drinking in an establishment that mainly accommodates the larger, human men (in which a pint standard).
The Fellowship Of The Ring movie hidden details
Moria, Gandalf finds a decomposed dwarf carcass clutching a journal and reads from it. The dwarf was Ori, one of the 13 who accompanied Bilbo in The Hobbit.
We see the elves' three rings of power. Eventually Narya, the ring of fire, is given to Gandalf. This ring is what he is referring to during his battle with the Balrog. In Return of the King, Gandalf openly wears Narya because it is no longer bound to the One Ring.
The ring doesn't bounce, symbolising the weight it has on Bilbo.
The three giants that were turned to stone in the Hobbit are visible in the background when Aragorn and the hobbits head to Rivendell.
This Shot of Proudfoot at Bilbo's party in The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) is a tribute to Ralph Bakshi's shot and line of dialogue in the animated movie The Lord of The Rings (1978)
The shards of the legendary sword Narsil are laid out in the exact same position in "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" (2001) and "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" (2012)
Boromir leaves his shield behind, foreshadowing his betrayal of the one he swore to protect a scene later.
The song that plays when the fellowship sees the Argonath is the same song that Aragorn sings at his coronation in The Return of the King.
When the elves of Lothl?rien capture the Fellowship - Legolas; a Wood Elf Prince from the neighboring Elf Kingdom of Mirkwood; nocks and draws his bow, prepared to fight his kinsmen, to protect the Fellowship. (See comment for more!)
During the escape from the Mines of Moria Aragorn & Legolas both loose arrows at orc bowmen. In one scene, both Aragorn and Legolas loose simultaneously, but only Legolas's arrow hits. This goes to show how wood elves are even greater archers than the Northern Rangers.
During Bilbo's birthday party, you can see how Bilbo's ear moves in an animal-like way when he hears the Sackville Baggins
When Mary and Pippen are setting off the dragon firework in the tent. It is filled with dishes, food, and other things. In the next shot as the tent is lifted off the ground my the firework. Everything inside of the tent is gone.
Aragorn sets up camp at the same spot Gandalf turned these trolls to stone in The Hobbit (2012).
In the scene 'A Shortcut To Mushrooms', Sam Gamgee bumps into the other three hobbits, knocking them down a bank. Later, in the scene 'The Bridge of Khazad-Dum', Sam almost bumps into them again, knocking them into a chasm, but catches himself just in time.
- At the Pass of Caradhras, Legolas does not sink into the snow because elves weigh less than other races
When Boromir tries to take the ring from Frodo he puffs out his cheeks. Later in The Two Towers, Gollum also puffs out his cheeks when he tries to wrestle the ring away.