The Santa Clause Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details
27 of the most interesting The Santa Clause easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of The Santa Clause movie message.
When a man inadvertently makes Santa fall off of his roof on Christmas Eve, he finds himself magically recruited to take his place.
Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy
John Pasquin
Tim Allen, Judge Reinhold, Wendy Crewson, Eric Lloyd
IMDB score
The Santa Clause Movie Trivia
Tim Allen's character looks at a phone number and says "1-800-SPANK-ME. I know that number." This scene was cut from all releases after a kid in Washington called the number - which led to an active sex hotline - and racked up a $400 phone bill.
The grunting sounds used for Comet the Reindeer are simply reused SFX from the 1993 video game Doom
The Santa Clause Movie Easter Eggs
....So I'm watching this with my wife....and I noticed that the reindeer(who we assume are male)....has posters of female deer up in his putting bikini pics up in a locker I guess
When Bernard and Curtis are explaining the "marriage clause" to Santa, he reads, "the card holder acknowledges a woman of his choosing. True love... not valid in, uh, Utah." This is because Utah is home to polygamists, most popular is the cult of Warren Jeffs.
When Scott and Charlie arrive at the North Pole the first time, an elf enters the code "1239" into a keypad which allows the sleigh to be lowered. Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer was created in December of 1939, hence 12/39.
A little girl looking at a toy train in a store window is an elf as seen by her pointed ears
The reindeer sounds are the same sounds used for the bad guys in Doom.
During the police briefing the Miller's neighbors are shown to be "in Florida," a reference to Home Alone (1990).
Accuracy details in The Santa Clause
And my wife realized that even elves can make careless alphabetical mistakes.
Costume details in The Santa Clause
The snow towards the ending is just white fabric. You can see it get snagged on the cop's foot.
The upholstery in Santa's sleigh is nicely laid Turkish rug.
Santa's football jersey has the number 25, since Christmas falls on the 25th day of December
The Santa Clause movie hidden details
- 1994, while Tim Allen is in denial he wears black converse, but then wears red converse once he embraces being Santa.
During the Father career day in Charlie's class, there were spies.
The first thing Scott orders for lunch is a Caesar salad, no dressing, followed by a bunch of desserts. Cut to after lunch and the salad is the only thing he has not eaten.
When the children approach Scott Calvin in the park there is an Elf watching
While being explained to him that he is the new Santa, Scott Calvin picks up a toy tool belt and holds it to his waist with a grimace. This is a nod to Tim Allen's character Tim Taylor on Home Improvement.
Multiples Elves are "hidden" throughout the movie. All of them show back up in the crowd at the end when Santa is flying his sleigh away from the Miller's home.
Scott Calvin orders a salad and a couple desserts for lunch. When lunch is over, he has eaten all of the desserts but has yet to touch the salad.
You can see elves throughout the movie, (mostly in the background) checking up on Scott Calvin (Tim Allen).
- Scott Calvin was cased by the elves in Denny's
Scott Calvin/Santa Claus is wearing a deer sweater while visiting his son. This design is a nod to the seal of Michigan, where Tim Allen is originally from.
The little girl that Tim Allen wakes up when he reluctantly becomes Santa, at the start of the movie, is missing her top two front teeth. A year later, when Santa revisits the house, the same little girl is still missing her top two front teeth.
After Scott Calvin becomes Santa Claus, at his work meeting he orders a Caesar salad with no dressing and lots of desserts, but doesn't eat the salad
When Scott and Charlie go to Denny's - there is a elf spying on them in the background well before he accepts the "Santa Clause".
Scott doesn't even touch his salad.
"arose such a clatter" is pronounced from the kids point of view: "the rose suchak ladder".