Wall Street Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details
27 of the most interesting Wall Street easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Wall Street movie message.
A young and impatient stockbroker is willing to do anything to get to the top, including trading on illegal inside information taken through a ruthless and greedy corporate raider who takes the youth under his wing.
Crime, Drama
Oliver Stone
Charlie Sheen, Tamara Tunie, Franklin Cover, Chuck Pfeiffer
IMDB score
Wall Street Movie Trivia
It features a brief shot filmed on an iPhone. Scorsese needed a shot of the "fasten your seat belt" sign for the aeroplane scene. Robert Legato, the effects supervisor, took a video of one during a flight on his iPhone and showed Scorsese who said "Great. Let's just use that."
Actors snorted crushed B vitamins for scenes that involved cocaine, Jonah Hill eventually became sick with bronchitis after so much inhaling and had to be hospitalised
Steven Spielberg showed up for a routine set visit during the filming of the Steve Madden scene in Wolf Of Wall Street (2013), and ended up co-directing the scene according to Martin Scorsese. He gave advice to actors and suggested camera angles, but went officially uncredited
Matthew McConaughey's chest beat/hum was ad-libbed, as it's his acting warm up rite. We see DiCaprio unsure of what to do, shown by his glance away towards Martin Scorsese for his 'approval'.
: "Wall Street guys at the time did not look like Gekko. The haircut was actually inspired by Pat Riley." --Ellen Mirojnick, costume designer
Wall Street Movie Easter Eggs
Jordan Belfort, Leonardo Dicaprio, is introduced on stage by the real Jordan Belfort by calling Jordan (himself) "the badest motherfucker I have ever met"
During Bud & Gekko's first big trade, the first major trader to buy is Oliver Stone.
Matthew McConaughey says fugazi 3 times in a row as a nod to his (2012) movie Mud, in which his costar wears a "Fugazi" shirt.
Wall Street movie hidden details
When Jordan Belfort first meets the Swiss banker Jean Jacques Saurel, Belfort is framed in front of Lac Lamane while the banker is framed in front of a fish tank. This might imply Belfort is a big fish dealing with a little fish.
Jordan Belfort states that it is important to pause while pitching penny stocks to clients and make them speak first. He later uses this same tactic while attempting to bribe the FBI agents.
When the FBI agents are on Jordan's Yacht, Jordan tells them they should be looking into bigger firms because of tech stocks and CDO's. These two things caused the tech bubble in the early 2000's and the housing market collapse in 2008.
Jordan's home gym has over 400 lbs loaded on the bench press. An amount they would not be able to realistically do, but think they might be able to do while on drugs.
The Wolf of Wall Street. In every scene that Jordan Belfort was high on ludes, there was continuity errors put in on purpose by the director to signify his deteriorated memory
When Jordan rolls down the stairs high on the Lemmon drug the stairs appear to be longer than normal to highlight how he experienced it.
Jordan Belfort mentions The Mayflower in his initial introduction of Stratton Oakmont. Later in the film you see a model of The Mayflower in his office
During his largest quaalude highin The Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort is shown falling down a set of steps which, in a second shot, dramatically increases in number.
Jordan Belfort's apartment has a view of the infamous Lipstick building - headquarters of Bernie Madoff's hedge fund, which organized the largest Ponzi scheme in history
The real life Jordan Belfort introduces Leonardo DiCaprio (who plays Jordan in the movie) onto the stage in the final scene.
Jordan takes hallucinogenic drugs and reaches a "cerebral palsy" level of high. The stairs in the top image show what the stairs really look like, whereas the bottom image is what the stairs look like to someone high on hallucinogenics.
At Jordan and Naomi's wedding, the song being sung is Goldfinger by Shirley Bassey. The lyrics heard are "Beckons you to enter his web of sin, but don't go in", describing Jordan's scheme
the Wolf of Wall Street during the scene where Jordan Belfort is introducing his new sellers. You can hear "Anthony's song" by Billy Joel being played in the background. (Explanation in the comments)
Donny is seen knocking a beer glass off the ledge where it stood, but a few seconds later, as Donny gets up, the beer glass is visible again in its original position. [~50:30]
After FBI agent Denham puts Belfort away he is shown on his subway ride home. While looking around the subway car the lyrics from Mrs. Robinson, "every way you look at it you lose,"
FBI Agent Denim is cut to on the train while the line "no matter which way you look at it you lose" plays. This is a reference to how Jordan Belfort tells him he will always ride the train and live a shitty life, after Belfort was sentenced to prison as a result of denim.
You can see a photo of Jordan Belforts child on the sidetable. Right before this screencap Margot Robbie reminds Di Caprios character that "you're a father now".
An unnamed stockbroker is wearing a fake nose.
the Wolf of Wall Street, Lernernerner DiCapricorn has hands. This is a reference to when Leonardo cut his hand in Django Unchained and he kept acting.