Wonder Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details
31 of the most interesting Wonder easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Wonder movie message.
Based on the New York Times bestseller, this movie tells the incredibly inspiring and heartwarming story of August Pullman, a boy with facial differences who enters the fifth grade, attending a mainstream elementary school for the first time.
Drama, Family
Stephen Chbosky
Jacob Tremblay, Owen Wilson, Izabela Vidovic, Julia Roberts
IMDB score
Wonder Movie Trivia
The villain Mr Potter goes unpunished and does not repent. This is in violation of the Hays Code, which contained a requirement that criminal wrongdoing in movies must never be depicted as going unpunished unless criminals are shown to repent.
: In the scene when Uncle Billy drunkenly walks off, a loud crash is heard a moment later and Uncle Billy reassure George that he is alright. This scene was unscripted and happened due to a stagehand dropping a tray of props during filming. WARNING: Clip is loud.
There is an awkward handshake fail occurs between Diana and a town resident.
Wonder Movie Easter Eggs
There's many white peacocks around because they're bred in captivity just like Diana was and is yet to show her true colors
Accuracy details in Wonder
One of the letters in the Pottersville sign goes dark after police officer Bert fires at and misses the protagonist George Bailey
Wonder Movie Foreshadowing
The unruly customer who demands a large portion of George's funds during the run on the bank is the very first to arrive at his house to give him money at the end of the movie
-Mr. Gower yells at George that he's not paid to be a canary. Canaries were used in mines as a warning of toxic gas. Later, George warns Mr. Gower the medicine he made was poison, saving a boy and saving Mr. Gower's from ruin. So actually, George was paid to be a canary.
Wonder movie hidden details
Kathryn Beaumont's live action reference for Alice in Wonderland (1951), behind the scenes
Woman, this is the first time Diana ever accepts an offered handshake. Unless you speak the Blackfoot language (unlike other non-English dialogue, this conversation has no subtitles), you might miss that Chief then reveals to Diana his true identity: Napi, a trickster demigod.
Steve Trevor's German uniform was intentionally too small, reiterating that he was a spy and that it wasn't fitted for him.
's blue dress is a nod to the 1975 Wonder Woman series
Steve Trevor's picture used in the final scene is actually one taken of Eddie Rickenbacker, the WWI flying ace
Jimmy Stewart accepts his life in the end as seen in his appreciation of the broken stairpost in his home. In Christmas Vacation, Chevy Chase fixes it with a chainsaw.
Diana's 'civilian' clothes in London mirror the uniforms of the new Women's Police Service -- among the first women officially permitted to fight crime and keep the peace
Not sure if this belongs here, but Sesame Street's Bert and Ernie are named after the the two side characters in It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
Why Charlie can't shoot. Earlier, when Charlie and Diana are discussing their different approaches to fighting, he says, "I don't look at their faces. It's better that way." Later, as she is saving the village, there is a sniper in the bell tower. His only shot is the mans face.
The main character Auggie states that "you can tell alot about a person from the kind of shoes they wear." Owen Wilson, the father and comedic relief, is then always seen in a suit but wears worn out old sneakers.
During the clothes shopping scene Diana sniffs the flowers on her hat - having never seen fake flowers before.
The old mother oyster "knew it was no time to leave her oyster bed". Her calendar shows that it is March, with an emphasis on the letter R. Oysters are best eaten in months with R.
: Whenever George is begging Mr. Potter for something or desperate (asking for a loan, accepting a job offer from Potter), he is shown as physically below him. But when George is standing up to Potter, George is physically above him.
Steve Trevor gets the idea to "launch" Diana during the battle in Veld after seeing Antiope using the technique in Themyscira
The author of the book that the movie is based on can be seen in the audience behind August's parents, applauding August for his award.
They say that every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings; after George decides he wants to live and is running home through Bedford Falls, bells can be seen all over town, including a theater playing The Bells of St.Mary's (begins at the 1:50 mark).
Steve Trevor observes Antiope performing the Shield Maneuovere during the beach fight. This would explain why Steve thought of recreating the move later with Diana to kill the sniper in the tower.
Significant book display
The song "Pain, Loss & Love" plays when Diana leaves Themyscira, signifying the loss her mother feels from her departure. The same song plays when Diana and Steve spend their last night together in the bedroom, foreshadowing the loss she will soon feel from his death.
Could this be because of Joker and Shazam releasing next year or Market Strategy
Despite being DC instead of Marvel, the credits in Wonder Woman (2017) start with something that looks very similar to the portals in Marvel's Agents of SHIELD and Doctor Strange.
During the boat scene in Wonder Woman, Diana's hand comes in view while the camera is on Steve, in order to imply masturbation.
The truck that delivers the photo in the first scene is owned by Batman's conpany
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