X Men: Apocalypse Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details

10 of the most interesting X Men: Apocalypse easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of X Men: Apocalypse movie message.

X Men: Apocalypse movie hidden details

Quicksilver stops to drink soda and eat most of a pizza to recharge his speed. You can tell he is slowing down as he begins to throw people, rather than run them out.

1 - Magneto extracts metal from the Earth. The metal he extracts form in the lines of magnetic field lines created by a regular bar magnet.

Magneto extracts metal from the Earth. The metal he extracts form in the lines of magnetic field lines created by a regular bar magnet.

The intro sequence tunnels through history. When it gets to the 20th Century, the 20th Century Fox logo appears

1 - Quicksilver is wearing a "Rush" T-shirt during the extraction scene.

Quicksilver is wearing a "Rush" T-shirt during the extraction scene.

1 - Charles is shown with long hair when he battles Apocalypse's mind because he doesn't know he lost all of his hair in the transfer a few moments before.

Charles is shown with long hair when he battles Apocalypse's mind because he doesn't know he lost all of his hair in the transfer a few moments before.

1 - The last image Apocalypse learns on TV about all of human society, is from Who Mourns for Adonais? TOS 2x04 - an episode about dying Gods.

The last image Apocalypse learns on TV about all of human society, is from Who Mourns for Adonais? TOS 2x04 - an episode about dying Gods.

1 - Wolverines cage/ jail-cell's structure is in the form of a W.

Wolverines cage/ jail-cell's structure is in the form of a W.

When apocalypse comes to seek Warren's help "The Four Horsemen" by Metallica is playing in the background. Which, of course refers to the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse.

1 - Apocalypse is constantly healing while being assaulted by the Phoenix. This is because his most recent host from Ancient Egypt was a healing mutant similar to Wolverine.

Apocalypse is constantly healing while being assaulted by the Phoenix. This is because his most recent host from Ancient Egypt was a healing mutant similar to Wolverine.

During the scene where Quicksilver enters the room with the dog, he eats the entire Pizza to regain energy which can be seen by him having to resort to throwing people out of windows to save them from the exploding mansion instead of just running outside with them.