Big Short Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details
16 of the most interesting Big Short easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Big Short movie message.
In 2006-2007 a group of investors bet against the US mortgage market. In their research they discover how flawed and corrupt the market is.
Biography, Comedy, Drama, History
Adam McKay
Paramount Pictures
Ryan Gosling, Rudy Eisenzopf, Casey Groves, Charlie Talbert
IMDB score
Big Short Movie Trivia
Christian Bale wears a pair of cargo shorts and shirt borrowed from the actual Michael Burry (not the same in both images) and was told to walk around the office barefoot just like Burry. Bale wanted him at the premiere so he could see "if he's going to punch me in the F***** face"
Big Short Movie Easter Eggs
Michael Burry receives many confused emails after he shorts the housing market. Respective Director and Cinematographer Adam McKay and Barry Ackroyd are two of the senders, and the rest are made up of real production designers and assistant directors that worked on the film.
There's a scene where Michael Burry is listening to heavy metal in his office. The Metallica song, Master of Puppets, is a song about how people are controlled by the rich and powerful, much like the theme of the movie.
Accuracy details in Big Short
Christian Bale took a two week crash course on drumming to actually play the drums to Pantera's "By Demons Be Driven." To prepare for the scene he listened to nothing but Pantera and Mastodon. He insisted on performing the double bass parts with an injured knee.
Big Short Movie Foreshadowing
Michael Burry takes a mug from Goldman Sachs after purchasing $100m in credit default swaps from the bank. In other words, he is "mugging" the bank.
Big Short movie hidden details
This quote is attributed to Mark Twain, however there is no documentation that he said it. This is done to show that people will make things up and you will believe them. Just as the big banks and ratings agencies did before the Financial Crisis of 2008.
When Michael Burry gets a phone call from an investor about his shorting the housing market, he also gets emails from the movie's director and crew (details in comments)
Ben Ricket is so paranoid that he calls Charlie Geller and Jamie Shipley on a blocked number instead of through a normal phone number
When Dr. Burry discusses looking at the individual mortgages inside the bonds, "Blood and Thunder" a Moby Dick inspired song by Mastodon starts playing. The individual mortgages are the White Whale.
Dr. Michael Burry(Christian Bale) is seen reading The Scions of Shannara, which is the inspiration for the name of the real Scion Capital since it is Burry's favorite book.
One of Mark Baums employees mentions in passing that Vegas isn't that bad and a great Japanese Restaurant just opened there. Later when Baum meets with the CDO manager in Vegas they go to a Japanese Restaurant
Mark Baum's (played by Steve Carell) son is playing Battleship with the boat pieces stacked on top of each other with red 'hit' pegs in them symbolizing the coming economic collapse.
Jared Vennet is rehearsing his pitch to himself as the Front Point Partners enter the room.
When the characters arrive in Las Vegas, the theme to Phantom of the Opera plays. This compares Baum and his team to the Phantom, who are viewing the convention from a different perspective.
-Margot Robbie and the amazing teleporting champagne flute.