Casino Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details
43 of the most interesting Casino easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Casino movie message.
A tale of greed, deception, money, power, and murder occur between two best friends: a mafia enforcer and a casino executive, compete against each other over a gambling empire, and over a fast living and fast loving socialite.
Crime, Drama
Martin Scorsese
Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci, James Woods
IMDB score
Casino Movie Trivia
Robert De Niro wore a different suit in each of his scenes with the exception of the first and last. This poster shows all the different suits he wore throughout the film
. Bond tips the dealer $500,000.00
Sir Richard Branson can be seen going through airport security at the same time as the would-be terrorist-for-hire who tries to blow up a brand new plane as it is being unveiled for the first time
. The infamous head in a vice scene was based on an actual incident where mob enforcers Charles Nicoletti and Anthony Spilotro tortured Billy McCarthy for info about his accomplices. (Warning-NSFW)
A security guard hits his head against the wall while escorting out one of the Nicky's man
Casino Movie Easter Eggs
When James Bond checks his emails, most of the contacts in his inbox are the names of people who worked on the movie/worked on previous Bond movies. Full list in comments.
Bond says to M, "So you want me to be half-monk, half-hitman." This is a reference to Daniel Craig's role in the 1998 film "Elizabeth", in which he plays a monk who is a hitman.
Richard Branson can be seen getting body searched with a metal detector
The guy that James Bond kills to become 007 gets off the elevator at level 6. As in, just before (00)7
Costume details in Casino
At the end of the card game, Bond tips the dealer $1m. Not a bad night's work.
Just before Mr. White gets shot in the knee, you can see his knee pad/blood device through his pants.
You can see that Sharon Stone's palms are covered with a protective adhesive to protect them from sliding on the asphalt.
Casino Movie Foreshadowing
When Ginger is introduced the song 'love is strange' is played and it's lyrics points out that Sam and Ginger's love is not true.
Casino movie hidden details
The blackjack dealer in Casino (1995) is the same blackjack dealer in Rain Man (1988)
Royale (2006), you can see Richard Branson being frisked by security at the start of the Miami airport scene.
You can see Jesper Christensen wearing kneepads before being shot in the knee.
After reaming out the chef for having a disproportionate number of blueberries in each muffin, Ace walks past a tray of muffins showing the disparity.
M says if Bond broke into her apartment again she would kill him. Skyfall (2012) Bond breaks into M's apartment again.
When Bond is playing poker in the Bahamas he is distracted by the wife of his opponent when she enters the room. Having learned from this experience, later, James asks Vesper Lynd to enter the room from behind so all the other poker players would be distracted by her.
Bond says Vesper isn't his type because she is single. They ended up getting together, and it turned out she wasn't single.
- When bond is tracking the phone after the first scene, the number of handshakes is also tracked
- Playing cards subtly replaced with UK Pounds foreshadowing the the central motivation of the villain and Bond girl (as well as the high stakes poker game).
When Nicky Santoro assassinates Anna Scott his left arm is directly in the way of the shot.
Sam Rothstein smokes Dunhills. His wife Ginger brings him Malboros showing her complete contempt for him.
After Bond sends his resignation, the list of e-mails includes the names of film crew members, Anne Bennet, Chris McBride, Robert Wright, David Dean, Neil Pinkawa, and David Hicks.
When DeNiro's character is leaving the kitchen after scolding the casino chef about the amount of blueberries in the muffins, We see a tray of muffins with very uneven blueberry dispersal.
The reason sam was not wearing his pants because of his ulcer which makes him use bathroom frequently.
Bond is driving construction equipment at a bad guy and the glass stops bullets. He confidently tries the same thing on the train in Skyfall but the bullets get through and hit him. We later learn that this is only because the assassin uses special bullets.
The Aston Martin that Bond takes out of storage to drive in Skyfall was acquired in Casino Royale (2006) when he defeats Alex Dimitrios at poker
You can see a stunt dummy before the car blows up.
The camera's shadow is visible on the upper left hand corner for three frames as Bond speeds by (Reuploaded for clarity)
The weeknd took inspiration from the wardrobe of Robert De Niro's Sam Rothstein in Casino (1995) for his latest album.
Nicky Santoro is killed by his most trusted lieutenant with a bat. This is not accurate to how Anthony Spilotro actually died and is most likely a reference to how in Goodfellas, Joe Pesci killed Frank Vincent's character Billy Bats.
At the end of Casino, in the cornfield, when SPOILERS are killed, the hole is already dug, referencing the earlier advice from Joe Pesci: "Except you gotta do it right, I mean you gotta have the hole already dug before you show up with a package in the trunk."
Robert De Niro's car explosion shows a mannequin being used.
When Vesper is trying to escape the stairwell during the fight, she is unable to open the door. This is because the door requires a key card or fob to be opened.
Sir Richard Branson can be seen going through Airport security at the same time as the would-be terrorist, who tries to blow up a brand new plane as it is being unveiled
Only the letters LO A ss are visable in the background sign, from this scene in Casino Royale (2007). "LOAss" when said outloud sounds like Low-ass or Lois. Like Lois Maxwell, who played Miss Moneypenny is so many old Bond films.
Kevin Spacey pitches a movie that would be the story of Moses directed by Ridley Scott. In 2014 Ridley Scott directed the story of Moses (Exodus gods and Kings)
Bond rolls his Aston Martin to avoid hitting Vesper on the road. This is a reference to earlier in the film when he is poisoned by his patented Vesper Martini because it was stirred, not shaken. Rolling the car shakes up the drink and therefore removes the poison.
When 007 breaks into M's house, finds out her name and is about to say it, M says "One more word and I will have you killed". She says it because the world would know her name, not because of any other possible reason I couldn't think of.
007 puts saliva on the chip implant wound which is proven to speed up healing time. This was around 56:01.