Children Of Men Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details
19 of the most interesting Children Of Men easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Children Of Men movie message.
Theo is wearing an old, ragged "London 2012" sweater. The movie was shot in 2005, just shortly after it was announced that London would be hosting the 2012 Olympic Games.
Children Of Men Movie Easter Eggs
Michael Caine introduces a type of marijuana called Strawberry Cough to the protagonist. In Going in Style (2017) Strawberry Cough is very apparent at the dispensary of Michael Caine's (ex) son-in-law.
Probably posted before, but in Children of Men (2006) there's a lot of references to progressive rock, one of those references is the pig in the background of one of the scenes, which refers to Pink Floyd's Animals
Theo Faron (Clive Owen) is trying to quit smoking in Children of Men (2006), but "it's not working"; his particular brand is near-identical to those that Korben Dallas (Bruce Willis) is rationed in the Fifth Element (1997).
Miriam performs a departing ritual on Julian's body who had just died from a shootout. Before Miriam concludes, she places an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe on her forehead, a reference to director Alfonso Cuar?n's Mexican origins.
Costume details in Children Of Men
The Statue of David is seen having sustained damage to its left leg, as historically, this is a weak spot. Some presume an earthquake in the future could potentially cause harm to the 500 year old marble statue.
During the Bexhill Camp sequence there is a background reference to an infamous photo of the Abu Ghraib torture prison
Children Of Men Movie Foreshadowing
During ark of the arts scene, Theo's cousin remarks that Michelangelo's sculpture, Pieta, couldn't be saved in time. Later, during the warzone sequence, the camera purposely lingers on a woman holding her dead son in a similar pose.
Children Of Men movie hidden details
But included The Shard in background shots of London, which wouldn't be completed until 2012
Due to people's infertility companies now make and advertise toddler like clothes for dogs.
Brief shot of cryptic graffiti in Children of Men (2006). Alfonso Cuar?n masterfully uses background details to build the bleak, doomed future of this film.
The Shard in London can be seen in the background, yet The Shard didn't begin construction until three years after the film's release.
When Theo and Kee arrive at Brexhill refugee camp, the song 'Arbeit Macht Frei' by The Libertines starts playing in the background, which translates to 'Work shall set you free', this was written above the entrances of many Nazi concentration camps.
The protagonists meet their contact at Hillside Primary School. This is the same school that 7/7 bomber Mohammed Sidique Khan worked at prior to the London Bombings.
The main character (Theo) says he wants to quit smoking. During the duration of the film, he never gets to fully finish a cigarette
Theo removes the battery cable from the SUV. On the escape the SUV is seen crashing into the fence as it rolls down the hill without power while Theo pushes the EV for a start.
Theo often lights a cigarette. He never finishes one in the entire movie.
The two street peddlers that approach Theo and Kee when they arrive at Bexhill are actually Fishes spies that later tip off their location to Luke.
The name for the assisted suicide drug is "Quietus", which is the Latin word for "Quit"