Lotr Return Of The King Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details
8 of the most interesting Lotr Return Of The King easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Lotr Return Of The King movie message.
And The Hobbit (2012), the prequel to the LOTR trilogy, the stone trolls can be seen frozen in the same position.
. Seen the movie literally hundreds of times. Never realized until tonight that Eowyn grabs a scimitar from an orcs hand before using it to take down an oliphant.
Accuracy details in Lotr Return Of The King
When Pippin looks in to the palantir and wakes everyone up, Gimli stays passed out from drinking too much that night. (see bottom left hand corner)
Lotr Return Of The King movie hidden details
Samwise Gamgee finally returns home and is hugged by his daughter, Elanor. That's Sean Astin's daughter in real life, Alexandra.
We see Denethor holding Boromir's broken horn. We actually see the horn being broken after Boromir is shot by the third arrow in The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
Gandalf brought three eagles to the erupting Mount Doom instead of two -- presumably to save Smeagol had he survived.
After Sam kills the orcs in the stronghold, Sting stops glowing, meaning there are no more orcs nearby.
When the Rohirrim charges the mumakil, the moment the first mumak hits a rider, all background music stops for 90 seconds... everything focuses on just the fighting