50 of the most interesting Love easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Love movie message.
Murphy is an American living in Paris who enters a highly sexually and emotionally charged relationship with the unstable Electra. Unaware of the effect it will have on their relationship, they invite their pretty neighbor into their bed.
Drama, Romance
Gaspar Noé
Aomi Muyock, Karl Glusman, Klara Kristin, Ugo Fox
IMDB score
Love Movie Trivia
Blofeld's face is not shown, and to keep the mystery they did not put an actor in the credits
The movie claims that "James Bond will return in For your eyes only". The next James Bond movie, however, was Moonraker (1979). The extreme success of Star Wars prompted the writers to create a new space themed Bond film during this time
Most of the film's footage is shot from a camcorder while it is being carried by Hudson Platt, referred to as "Hud" throughout the movie. HUD is acronym for "Head's up Display"
The Villain, Karl Stromberg, a mad marine biologist, has webbed hands. He has a congenital condition, which is not explained in the movie.
Adam Sandler's character earns millions of frequent flyer miles by exploiting a Healthy Choice promotion. This subplot was based on the real life account of David Philipp's who did the same.
Instead of having Roger Moore return for a reshoot they just propped up a photo of him in front of the pyramid complex in Giza.
The chess match was copied from a world famous real-life chess match from 1960. This included the winning move. The match was between Boris Spassky and David Bronstein; Spassky beat Bronstein.
The poster which Krilencu tries to escape through is for a film called 'Call Me Bwana', a Bob Hope comedy produced earlier in that year by the same producers of the Bond films - Harry Saltzman and Albert R. Broccoli.
Love Movie Easter Eggs
At the end of the film, in a recording in the past, an object is seen crashing into the ocean. The massive creature in the film emerged from the ocean.
The Dharma Initiative logo from Lost appears on screen for a brief moment.
The character Blofeld is never fully seen on screen. In the credits they also hide the actors identity. (Sorry bad pic)
Again tonight to remember my mom, but I never before noticed Peter Jackson himself makes a cameo in the movie
After Adam Sandler's character punches a wall, the scars on his knuckles spell out 'love'
There is a poster advertising J.R.R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" books at the bookstore. The director, Peter Jackson's, previous movies were the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Stupid, Love (2011), Julianne Moore's character who plays Steve Carell's wife has the title of "Associate to the Vice President". In the show The Office (2005), there was a running gag about Dwight Shrute being Steve Carell's Assistant to the Regional Manager.
Actually"(2003) Juliet finds the wedding video Mark shot on a shelf of VHS tapes. A copy of the film "Rear Window"(1954), another story of a voyeur with a camera, can be seen.
The billboard Bond looks at with the infrared scope is for movie called Call Me Bwana, produced by Albert R. Broccoli who also produced most of the James Bond films
Slusho makes an appearance. JJ Abrams included Slusho in the original Cloverfield and his TV series Fringe.
Stupid, Love (2011) Jonah Bobo's character is deleting a contact out of his phone, and the name Joey K. is shown, which is the name of the actress playing his sister in the movie, Joey King.
Cloverfield Lane
Love movie hidden details
Howard is already wearing earplugs when confronting Emmett and Michelle because he intends to use his gun regardless of the outcome.
Time:45:30 Just after they get the door closed on the ground monsters in the subway tunnels, the old footage of their fun day glitches in and before it glitches back, this image is ONE frame. I had to rewind and play/pause several times to be able to land on this specific frame.
St Birthday today, here he makes the ultimate cameo as he shakes hands with his movie counterpart Tom Hanks in Apollo 13
The amount of effort and time spent creating The Cloverfield Universe is insane. The amount of secret marketing that 99% of people have never seen is crazy (quite a long watch but definitely worth it)
Terminally ill Pedro Armend?riz accepted the role of Kerim Bey to provide financial security for his wife. After completing his scenes, Armend?riz committed suicide in hospital as his cancer progressed into the advanced stages, emulating his friend Ernest Hemingway.
She dreams the control panel in the spacecraft inaccurately (because she would not have known the correct layout and was dreaming), but in the "real" movie spacecraft, the panel is accurate to the actual Apollo cabin.
The parasite venom causing Marlena to bleed from her mouth and eyes also causes her earring to rip through her ear as her body deteroriates.
It is revealed that the fictional company "Tagruato" has a subsidiary company called "Bold Futura" which specializes in the construction of satellites. Later, in the sequel "10 Cloverfield Lane" the main character finds a letter addressed to the antagonist from Bold Futura.
The only movie we see that Mark owns is Rear Window. A movie who's main character looks at everyone through a camera lens, mirroring Marks character trait.
Rob says "Good luck tonight, Travis" to the guy who showed up at his party with Beth. They later find Beth in her apartment - alone and in cute PJs. Travis did not have good luck.
Simon (2018)" when everybody is making fun of Simon about his sexuality, Mr.Worth uses a pride pin to support him
Every member of the crew knows how to speak Chinese, as it's the second most spoken language
The markings left by the locking mechanism for the door to Michelle's room indicate that it has been used often despite the room being empty. This indicates that this was the room where Howard kept Brittany, the girl he kidnapped before the events of the film.
Man (2009), Peter's gay younger brother, Robbie, sets his eye on Alan, a married guy. Later, Robbie brings a ring-less Alan to Peter's engagement dinner.
Harry (Alan Rickman) tells his wife Karen (Emma Thompson) she's being "a saint" at the work Christmas party. Karen walks off and Harry is approached by Mia (Heike Makatsch) dressed as a devil.
Sam starts the film by calling his step-father "Daniel" but by the end is calling him "Dad". One of the few love stories in the movie that is easily missed.
Man" Jason Segel's character, Sydney, has the typically female spelling of his name, not the typically male Sidney. Even Peter's male friends have female names.
You can read "Burden" between Sarah and her mentally ill brother, foreshadowing that this task is a burden to her love life
Simon the house the friends drive past in the end of the movie is the same house from Life As We Know It. Josh Duhamel plays the father in both movies, and both are set in Atlanta.
Laura Linney's character is shown sitting in front of a poster that says "Shoulder their burden" with a picture of her brother who has mental health issues. Throughout the movie she drops what she's doing to take calls from him to help him cope with his crises.
Stupid, Love" when Cal and Jacob are working out, Jacob's inverted push-up is meant to strengthen him for his signature pickup move: the lift from Dirty Dancing
Man", none of Paul Rudd's groomsmen's suits match.
And Cloverfield (2008) at the same time, the precise moment the Particle accelerator fires in The Cloverfield Paradox, it causes the monster to appear in Cloverfield, linking the two universes.
Simon, the anonymous "Blue" character, who is later revealed to be Bram Greenfeld, has a blue pencil cap, which matches his alias.
Simon (2018) his friends go for iced coffee before picking up Abby. Nick is teased for making sure Abby's has milk the way she likes. They go again at the end. There are 5 drinks now because they are also picking up Bram. Simon remembers how the person he likes takes their coffee as well
Lena can be seen out of focus in the background when Barry is shopping for pudding
Man, Paul Rudd and Jason Segel's character have a Rush jam session. The bass in which Paul Rudd's character (Peter) is playing is the Geddy Lee's signature Fender jazz bass. The bassist of Rush.
During the scene where Juliet is looking to view her wedding video that Mark recorded, a "Rear Window" video case is seen in the corner. This being similar to the wedding video of focusing on Juliet from afar
Despite Alex's being confused and assuming that he's a gay guy, he still loves Claire after kissing his crush. His actual sexual orientation is represented by the lights' colors, the same colors of the bisexual pride flag.