50 of the most interesting Shrek easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Shrek movie message.
A mean lord exiles fairytale creatures to the swamp of a grumpy ogre, who must go on a quest and rescue a princess for the lord in order to get his land back.
Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Andrew Adamson
Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, John Lithgow
IMDB score
Shrek Movie Trivia
During the performance of "I Need a Hero," the Fairy Godmother asks the pianist to "put it in C minor." The actual song is then played in G minor. However, in classical music, C minor is often used to represent "the heroic struggle."
Snow White's singing voice is the same as the one used in the original Disney Snow Hite and Seven Dwarfs (1937)
The song that the trumpeter Reggie is playing on his own is the theme to Hawaii Five-O
Shrek Movie Easter Eggs
Got a PG rating in the US, for this 'drug reference'.
When the Fairy Godmother meets King Harold (Voiced by John Cleese) he mentions he has a bit of pain in his leg from 'The Old Crusade' This is a reference to Cleese's character Basil Fawlty in Fawlty Towers who would usually feign a leg injury from 'the Korean War' when lying
Fiona has a mock Led Zeppelin poster
Puss in Boots and Shrek recreate a famous chest burst scene.
the fairy godmother's factory there is a bottle markred viagra on the conveyor belt.
The fairy godmother in Shrek (2001) is from Massenet's opera Cendrillon. That is why she's such a proud singer (we even hear her badly practicing her big excerpt.) It also explains her outfit, and why she's so much more devious than her fairy tale counterpart.
The dragon has a cookbook that includes "choice cuts" and the diagram of a knight chopped up.
Artie randomly points at Rumpelstiltskin, the villain of the next movie, when speaking "The only person standing in your way... is you".
Has a reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975). Eric Idle, who played Merlin in Shrek, even considered suing the producers for " unauthorized use" of the joke.
Costume details in Shrek
Lord Maximus Farquaad uses the lower case F ("small" F) as his flag. This is a reflection of his small stature.
Shrek Movie Foreshadowing
After Princess Fiona hands Shrek the spider web/flies cotton candy, she licks her fingers. This is a subtle hint that she's an ogre, as well.
When the king goes to the Poisoned Apple, a female frog asks him if she knows him to which he replies that she "must be mistaking him for someone else" while looking distressed. This is a hint about the king's secret as that frog probably knew him before his transformation.
Shrek movie hidden details
After Shrek turns human, the women who fetched him a pail of water is named Jill as a reference to the nursery rhyme of 'Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water'
The Kings room is decorated with swamp like colors. His backboard on the bed resembles a frog. And has a rug with him at a lily pond. Later in the movie is revealed he once was a frog.
When Donkey turns into a horse, he says: "I can whinny! I can count!" and then taps his hoof mimicking Clever Hans, the horse who pretended to count, but could not.
When Shrek disturbs fairy godmother, she uses 'in Grimm's name' instead of 'in god's name', this is because god is believed to have created the universe of people, while the brothers grimm created the universe of fairytales
Pied Piper's flute is played by Jeremy Steig, son of William Steig, who wrote the original Shrek book.
Shrek gets pepper ground in his face. He is being "Pepper Sprayed".
The secret door Fiona uses makes her fathers statue kiss a horses ass
Fiona is seen as an ogre eavesdropping on Shrek and Donkey.
Fiona has a poster of Justin Timberlake in her room
Is rescuing Princess Fiona from the dragon's castle, the dragon's cookbook can be seen in one of the scenes
There are two photos hanging on the wall signifying the before and after transformation of the witch...a sign that the Fairy Godmother not only makes heroes but also villains a happily ever after(by turning the witch much more cruel).
When the King goes to the Poison Apple bar, a female frog asks him "Do I know you?". This is because she recalls his face from back when he was a frog too.
Shrek the third the band starts playing all star by Smash mouth when Shrek enters the high school gym.
It is foreshadowed that King Harold is a frog in a bit of dialogue between him and Queen Lillian. She says, "Don't you remember when we were in love? We used to walk down by the lily pond...and they were in bloom.." "Our first kiss". Their first kiss, at the lily pond, made him human.
A female frog asks the King if she knows him. This is some brilliant foreshadowing for when the King gets turned back into the frog. He knew this frog when he, too, was in frog form. In his earlier life, they must have had frog sex.
The magazine the Big Bad Wolf is reading is called Pork Illustrated
Shrek defeats the Knights in tournament, turns to the crowd and says "Try the veal." This line is part of the line spoken by Sollozo to Captain McClusky when met witg Michael Corleone in The Godfather (1972). Both lines come before a major character undergoes a life-changing moment.
Fiona has a poster of Justin Timberlake in her bedroom. Cameron Diaz, who voices Fiona, was dating Timberlake at the time.
The portraits in Fiona's bedroom foreshadow the reveal about her father at the end.
Lord Farquaad's vanity knows no bounds. He has in his chamber's Botticelli's the Birth of Venus, with himself as Venus.
While staying in Fiona's childhood room, Shrek finds a princess toy that says the same phrase Fiona says after getting rescued in Shrek 1
The love potion Fairy Godmother gives to the King has the roman numeral "9" on it, a nod to the song "Love Potion Number 9".
Shrek the Third I've never noticed the beautiful paint behind Shrek and Fiona in this scene
"Shrek The Third" Shrek attempts to throw up a gang sign for about 14 frames to seem hip while talking to Arthur
Movie mistake: In Shrek (2001) Lord Farquaad is given three princess bachelorette options that would help further his goal to be king. However, the first bachelorette, Cinderella, is not a princess and so would not have furthered that goal.
The "police dispatcher" in the KNIGHTS gag report that they're tracking a fleeing White Bronco, a reference to the 1994 OJ Simpson chase on I5.
After watching Shrek get arrested, the 3 little pigs cover their eyes, ears, and mouth, just like the 3 "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" monkeys pictorial maxim.
Chris Farley was originally cast as Shrek and recorded almost all of the dialogue before his death, the role was then given to Mike Myers
When Lord Farquaad uses the mirror on the wall to look at pictures of Princess Fiona, you can see his blanket move upwards accompanied by a look of surprise on his face. An indication of his 'excitement' for his potential future wife.
The knight that gives Donkey a mean stare when Fiona and Farquaad meet is the same knight that tried to capture him in the beginning of the film.
When Shrek and the gang enter the high school gym searching for Arthur, school band in the back plays a rendition of All Star by Smash Mouth
: The reason that Puss and Donkey swap bodies is because they were the only members of the group holding hands before the teleportation
King Harold (a.k.a the Frog King) goes to a bar to meet with someone who would deal with Shrek. Whilst there, a female frog says to him "do I know you?" Giving a subtle hint to the kings past as the frog who turned into a prince after a kiss.
It's been posted about before, but I can almost read a recipe in Shrek (2001) for "Knightly Treats." Ingredients in comments
The song that Fairy Godmother sings "I Need a Hero", is the Turkish song written by a famous singer that came out 1 year after the original one and was inspired by it, and the rhythm in the movie matches perfectly.