50 of the most interesting Space easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Space movie message.
After discovering a mysterious artifact buried beneath the Lunar surface, mankind sets off on a quest to find its origins with help from intelligent supercomputer H.A.L. 9000.
Adventure, Sci-Fi
Stanley Kubrick
Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester, Daniel Richter
IMDB score
Space Movie Trivia
The original names for each of the aliens had to do with "zero": Void, Bupkus, Null, Void, and Zilch. This is reflected by the fact that they all have the number 0 on their basketball jerseys.
Swingline did not manufacture a red stapler, an auto body shop painted the prop for the film. Since it's introduction in 2002,the red model Swingline has since become the company's #1 seller.
- The famous bone to spacecraft transition was thought up by Stanley Kubrick one day when he was throwing a broomstick up into the air. Also, the spacecraft has a bone shape at the top. Many believe to be a nuclear weapon, man's first weapon followed by it's ultimate.
HAL is an exact letter down from IBM. IBM were consultants for the film and their logo is scene throughout the movie. Clarke and Kubrick claim HAL's name to just be a coincidence though.
Dark Helmet tells the doctor who makes out with the nurse (I forget both names) to "Go to the golf course and work on your putts". "Putz" is Hebrew slang for a penis
Michael Jordan actually double dribbles in the approach of his final dunk. So it should have been whistled The Monstars ball and they would have won.
: At one point in the film, the computer HAL begins to sing 'Daisy Bell.' This was the first song ever 'sung' by a computer.
Lost In Space (1998) Jared Harris's (Older Will Robinson) whole performance is dubbed
Space Movie Easter Eggs
There's more examples of merchandising in the diner scene, with Spaceballs place mats:
Daffy suggests the The Ducks as the team name. Bugs replies "What kind of Mickey Mouse organization would name their team The Ducks?" Referencing the Disney film The Mighty Ducks.
Princess Vespa's stunt double has a Hitler mustache, referencing Mel Brooks' tendency to make fun of Adolf Hitler.
The Millennium Falcon makes an appearance in the diner scene which suggests that Spaceballs and Star Wars both take place in the same universe.
(Story by H.P. Lovecraft)... Scientist Ward, shields his eyes from headlights with the book "The Willows" by Algernon Blackwood 1907. Horror author H.P. Lovecraft considered it to be the finest supernatural tale in English literature.
The climactic shot where Dave reaches out to the monolith mirrors the Creation of Adam by Michelangelo.
When Dark Helmet asks how many assholes are on the ship, everyone raises their hand except the guy on the far left.
Costume details in Space
Bill Murray wears a St. Paul Saints baseball hat against the Monstars. The St. Paul Saints are a real independent baseball team in Minnesota, and Murray has been a part-owner since 1993.
When Lord Helmet first appears onscreen, his shoelaces are untied.
Space movie hidden details
Not only are the cassettes in Spaceballs (1987) all Mel Brooks' movies (the director) but the rest are Rocky movies that go past the latest one of that time -- which was Rocky IV.
After Spaceball 1 leaves ludicrous speed, Dark Helmet tells the crew to take a 5 min break, Dark Helmet and crew aren't seen again until the 35 minute mark. 5 minutes later.
HAL only takes control of the ship once Dave and Frank are both no longer on board; this is because HAL is following his programming and can only have authority once his superiors are not present
The board in the Bobs' meeting room is titled "Planning to Plan"
When Dave is pulling out HAL's chips, HAL regresses in time. Eventually, HAL starts singing "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer please" ("On a Bicycle Built for Two"). This was the first song ever sung by a computer in the real world.
The apartment complex where Peter lives is called "MorningWood Apartments".
The Millennium Falcon is parked at the space diner.
The company, Initech, had a statue at the entrance of a square peg in a round hole, pretty much signifying the theme of the film.
HAL easily defeats Frank at a game of chess. Frank is seen mouthing his strategy while he thinks, not knowing that the computer can read his lips.
You can see Bill Lumbergh's (Gary Cole) demotion after his interview with the efficiency consultants through the reserved parking sign.
During the video call with Pizza the Hutt and Vinny, there is a reflection in Vinny's glasses of a table with a red and white checkered cloth along with what appears to be a salad and a drink, expanding the pizza parlor setting established in the background
Micheal Jordon's dog is named Charles... Barkley.
The titular villains accidentally capture the heroes' stunt doubles. Lone Starr's stunt double, played by Dane Farwell, was indeed Bill Pullman's actual stunt double. Later in the film, you can clearly see him standing in when Lone Starr is dodging Dark Helmet's attacks.
Frank and Dave use devices that look remarkably like tablet computers to watch an interview of themselves.
When the computer HAL plays chess, it makes minor mistakes describing the following moves conducting to its win, foreshadowing its upcoming miscalculations
One of characters Mel Brooks plays is General Skroob. Skroob is an anagram of Brooks.
Stanley Kubrick can be seen in the reflection of Haywood Floyd's visor
All 3 pods are lost in space. (1st hit Frank, 2nd was left outside when Dave entered the emergency entrance, and 3rd entered the star gate) however in 2010: The Year we Make Contact, a pod was built and placed in the pod bay. (A mistake by the prop department)
The rest of the crew is leaning in the opposite direction from the g-forces acting on Sanders and Dark Helmet.
When Bugs Bunny opens the "How to Capture Cartoon Characters" book, it gives a brief example of how to draw Bug's face
Kier Dullea's character ages drastically. Fifty years later compare the real aging with the makeup.
Astronaut Dave Bowman reads an article describing the crash of a hypersonic jet. Despite being completely illegible in the shot, an actual text was produced for the film.
Michael Jordan is surprised that Stan is flattened like a cartoon, but in his first meeting with the Monstars, he is crushed into a basketball.
HAL actually foreshadows his actions when playing chess against Frank, saying "I'm sorry Frank, I think you missed it: queen to bishop three, bishop takes queen, knight takes bishop, mate." HAL is actually cheating and Frank does stand a chance of winning.
Everyone knows the Monstars blew a 66-18 lead at the half, but no one ever seems to care that Shawn Bradley's Monstar failed to record a single offensive stat in the entire game.
Michael Bolton spends the entire "case of the Mondays" Chotchkie's scene pouring sugar into his coffee, but never actually drinks it.
HAL's last words are from "Daisy (A Bicycle Built for Two)". The Discovery is a ship designed to have two captains.
During the space travel scene, people can be seen moving around inside the Orion 3 Spaceplane from the outside
HAL tries to extract personal secrets from Dave using nearly identical language as is used by the Russian scientist trying to extract secrets from Floyd earlier in the film.
A barely-audible background line refers to Shawn Bradley as "rank-and-file". This sets up that Blanko, the least intelligent of the Nerdlucks, chose to steal Bradley's talent as he assumed Bradley was an elite player simply because of his height.
You can catch a glimpse of Bill Lumbergh's personnel file that he is an MIT grad with a degree in physics.
The name of the "character" HAL 9000, has been chosen by Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke in reference of the IBM 360, a calculator from the 60's, the ancestor of our modern computers. Actually, the letters H A L correspond to I B M when you shift them by a letter forward.
While playing chess HAL both makes a subtle mistake in the use of descriptive notation to describe a move, and deceives Frank about the inevitable checkmate in two moves.