Star Trek: The Motion Picture Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details

5 of the most interesting Star Trek: The Motion Picture easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Star Trek: The Motion Picture movie message.

Accuracy details in Star Trek: The Motion Picture

1 - You can briefly see the breakaway prop door Ilia smashes through - before it quickly cuts to another door with a single, uniform hole in its centre.

You can briefly see the breakaway prop door Ilia smashes through - before it quickly cuts to another door with a single, uniform hole in its centre.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture movie hidden details

1 - During Spock's mind meld with V'ger, a glimpse of NASA's Pioneer probe plaques is seen, hinting at the true origin of the entity as fictional NASA probe Voyager 6

During Spock's mind meld with V'ger, a glimpse of NASA's Pioneer probe plaques is seen, hinting at the true origin of the entity as fictional NASA probe Voyager 6

After the entire TV crew is on board & the bugs in the ship are all fixed, there's a little moment where the Enterprise flies by, Kirk does a Captain's Log narration, and the TV show music plays ... Indicating, finally, everything back to normal

- the movie poster features the radio wave color spectrum. At the end of the movie, it was finally revealed that VGer's mysterious signal was ancient radio wave technology.

There is a Native American couple among the crew