The Lost World Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details
22 of the most interesting The Lost World easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of The Lost World movie message.
The first film adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic novel about a land where prehistoric creatures still roam.
Adventure, Fantasy, Thriller
Harry O. Hoyt
Bessie Love, Lewis Stone, Wallace Beery, Lloyd Hughes
IMDB score
The Lost World Movie Trivia
the scene where the T-Rex's push the RV over the cliff, the scene was actually filmed at the edge of a parking garage structure at Universal Studios Hollywood
The S.S. Venture is the ship that transports King Kong (1933) to the mainland. The same ship is in the movie The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) to transport the T-rex to the mainland.
Silent film
The Lost World Movie Easter Eggs
The worker next to Ian Malcolm who is trying to contact Sarah Harding via satellite phone is holding the handset with the earpiece facing away from his ear
During the San Diego T-rex rampage scene, a group of men yelled in Japanese "I left Japan to get away from this!" as and obvious reference to the Godzilla franchise. (Roughly 40-46 seconds into the clip)
You can see the reflection of a fourth person in the TV set at the end of the film. This is director Steven Spielberg making a surprise appearance.
You can see the dinosaur's hydraulics going from between it's legs into Vince Vaughn's jacket
Costume details in The Lost World
When the T. rex bites down on Peter Ludlow's leg, you can see where the teeth on the animatronic dinosaur are missing in order to safely lift up the actor.
The Lost World movie hidden details
Malcolm argues with Hammond about playing down the deaths of three people, even though four people died in the original film. This was because no one knew what happened to Dennis Nedry.
Jurassic Park, when the T-Rex is on the lose in San Diego, the Japanese tourists running from it shout "I left Japan to get away from this!" A reference to the Godzilla films.
The random citizen who gets eaten by the T-Rex is named "unlucky bastard" in the credits.
Spotted Eli Roth as an extra in Jurassic Park: The Lost World! Literally a blink-and-you'll-miss-him moment.
Early in the movie Ian Malcolm criticizes Nick Van Owen for calling out Sarah Harding's full name (inferring it is redundant since "how many Sarah's are on the island". Later when searching for Nick, he calls out Nicks full name.
The T-rex starts making a "dribbling" hand motion (at 0:07) once it sees the basketball hoop.
The beginning of the movie discusses wrongful death suits from families of casualties in Jurassic Park. Donald Gennaro's family is awarded the largest settlement. Gennaro, in the JP movie, was a greedy investment attorney.
Jurassic Park we see Dr.Alan telling Ian to freeze but runs. In The Lost World (1997) it's the opposite, with Ian telling the hunters to "Don't move" whilst he is keeping still, learning from his previous encounter with a T-Rex.
: Ian Malcolm makes fun of Nick while searching for him.
Ian Malcom uses binoculars the wrong way
Ian Malcolm is looking into the the objective of the binoculars instead of through the eyepiece, making him unable to see the InGen helicopters zoomed in when looking through them.
You can see the Car missing its windshield frame but when the car is about to go over the cliff its back
The T-Rex is NOT doing an homage to King Kong. If you look closely he's actually doin ASL and saying "fucking wankers"
Eddie tells Ian that, with his tranquilizer dart, the animal will be down before it feels the hit. Later, when the male Rex climbs back into the ship's cargo hold, Sarah shoots it with (presumably) the same type of dart. The Rex gets hit and goes down quickly.