The Nice Guys Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details
9 of the most interesting The Nice Guys easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of The Nice Guys movie message.
In 1970s Los Angeles, a mismatched pair of private eyes investigate a missing girl and the mysterious death of a porn star.
Action, Comedy, Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Shane Black
Russell Crowe, Ryan Gosling, Angourie Rice, Matt Bomer
IMDB score
The Nice Guys Movie Trivia
Holly accidentally knocks Tally out by making her slip on coffee and hit her head on the table. Holly actually does it a second time a few minutes later, by making Tally make a dive for the film and hit her head on the concrete.
The Nice Guys Movie Easter Eggs
Holland March (Ryan Gosling) and Jackson Healy (Russell Crowe) toast " To the birds" referencing a plot point from the movie, but also is a subtle nod to both their last names being birds.
The Nice Guys movie hidden details
Sid Shattuck ( The porno producer) , is played by Robert Downey Jr. in an uncredited cameo.
'The Nice Guys' the characters are "rewarded" when they subvert clich?s of the genre and vice versa
The same van that hits Blue Face and flees the scene can be seen later in the film stuck in traffic next to the main characters
At the beginning of the movie March listens to an interview with the Detroit Auto Manufacturers representative where he boasts about the technology in the cars "They Practically drive themselves" later in the movie March falls asleep and thinks the car can drive it self.
As Ryan Gosling's Character is leaving the adult video store, the title on a marquee in the background reads 'Bang Bang Kiss Kiss,' a reference to director Shane Black's 2005 film 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang'
When March is in the bathtub, the TV mentions self-driving cars; Later in his dream, Healy says the car can drive itself
John Boy (character on The Waltons) is mentioned at the beginning of the movie before showing up later