Toy Story Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details
50 of the most interesting Toy Story easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Toy Story movie message.
A cowboy doll is profoundly threatened and jealous when a new spaceman figure supplants him as top toy in a boy's room.
Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
John Lasseter
Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Don Rickles, Jim Varney
IMDB score
Toy Story Movie Trivia
The screenwriters taped shoes to a wooden board to help the creative team figure out how the army soldiers would walk and run.
A closer look at Buzz Lightyear shows that his stickers are slowly starting to peel away.
" Mr Potato Head is voiced posthumously by Don Rickles (who passed away in 2017). The Pixar team mined through more than two decades of Rickles' voice sessions, outtakes for other films, theme parks, toys,...etc. to piece together the performance.
When explaining how they play with Bonnie, Buttercup played by Jeff Garlin says "We do a lot of improv here." Jeff Garlin is most well known for Curb Your Enthusiasm, a show where most of the dialogue is improvised.
Most of the characters in Toy Story (1995) blink their eyes one at a time. This is called "offset blinking" and is usually used in animation to signal an out of place or stupid character. In Toy Story, it's likely used to remind the audience the toys are still toys.
Toy Story Movie Easter Eggs
The Combat Carl in snow gear repeatedly gets left hanging while the other two high five. However, he does finally get his high five by Duke Caboom at the very end of the film when they both appear in place of Luxo the lamp in the Pixar logo after the credits
While in Andy's room you can see pinned on his board a post card from Carl and Ellie from the film Up (2009)
Sid has a book called the "Department of the Army Technical Manual: Improvised Interrogation Handbook"
The three aliens Mr. Potato Head saves are still harassing him right up to the point Andy returns from Cowboy Camp
All of andys friends are duplicates of him
the background of one of the classroom scenes, you can see a girl that either is, or very closely resembles boo from monsters inc. Knowing pixar, probably the former.
One of Bonnie's treasured toys was a Totoro plushie; showcasing a cool collaboration between Disney, Pixar, and Studio Ghibli.
Kent State University nod. Michael Keaton was the actor who voiced Ken in Toy Story 3. Keaton is also a proud Kent State alumni. During this scene, he shows Barbie his varsity jacket which Kent State school colors, blue and gold.
While Buzz is repeatedly presses the button that sounds his pre-recorded voice, one of the things it says is 'Open the pod bay doors'. This is an iconic line from 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Geri from the famous Pixar short 'Geri's Game' that played before 'A Bug's Life' (1998), is also the man who cleans up Woody to sell in Toy Story 2 (1999)
' the books behind Woody during the staff meeting are titled for previous Pixar short films - 'Knickknack,' 'Tin Toy,' 'Red's Dream' and 'The Adventures of Andre and Wally B.' 'Tin Toy' is written by Lasseter, Director of the short and 'Toy Story.'
Kenner action figures of Obi Wan and Ponda Baba can be seen reenacting the cantina scene from A New Hope.
You can see the pizza planet truck tattooed on the carnival employee's leg
Accuracy details in Toy Story
The TV in Sid's house has a pair of pliers where the channel knob once was since they would regularly come off/break.
Toy Story movie hidden details
When Al is about to hang up with the Japanese Toy museum buying Woody. He says "Don't touch my mustache". This is him mispronouncing. "????????" (D?itashimashite) which means You're Welcome in Japanese.
The batteries that Buzz Lightyear uses is made by "Buy N Large", the same company that made Wall - E.
Buzz Lightyear's batteries are exposed showing the Buy n Large brand, the same company responsible for making WALL-E.
Was nearly deleted when an animator accidentally put an erasing code in the wrong spot. Pixar co-founder Edwin Catmull: "First Woody's hat disappeared. Then his boots. Then he disappeared entirely." Luckily supervising technical director Galyn Susman had a backup at home.
The toy phone who eventually helps Woody and co. escape initially tries to warn Woody the first time he arrives, but Woody fails to answer the phone
When the pig starts flipping through the channels super fast, most of the channels show shots from Tin Toy (including this famously creepy baby), one of the original Pixar shorts.
When Barbie meets Ken at the Dreamhouse, he takes the elevator and it hitches several times on the way down. It was a well known fact that Barbie dreamhouse elevators would hitch constantly when moving.
The tool box in Sid's room is "Binford" brand. This is a nod to Tim Allen (Voice of Buzz Lighter) from his popular sitcom "Home Improvment", in where his characters TV show is sponsored by this tool brand.
The red string that Andy used to repair his torn arm in Toy Story 2 is still visible.
Going through Al's Toybarn, Slinky complains that they're lost and have been down the aisle already, in which potato head replies: "We've never been down this aisle before, it's pink!". All the aisles look the same to Slinky because dogs are "colourblind".
When Woody peers past the door we can see Andy's measurements of Buzz, Rex and Jesse
The paint on the window in Sid's room is chipping in squares or "alligatoring," a common sign of deteriorating lead paint. Symptoms of lead poisoning in children include "developmental delays, abdominal pain, neurologic changes, and irritability."
Is the first feature-length computer-animated film. When Buzz is out of his mind at the tea party, the teapot on the table is modeled after the famous Utah Teapot, one of the very first 3D computer graphics models from the 1970s.
The closing shot is a nod to the opening shot of Andy's wallpaper in Toy Story 1.
Pixar's "Tin Toy" (1988) makes appearance in "Toy Story 4" (2019)
One of Sid's toys is a dolls legs attached to a to a mini fishing pole, making it a hooker
Andy wrote his name with a backwards "N" on Woody's boot, but the "N" is correct on Buzz Lightyear's boot, which is meant to show he's growing up.
Buzz Lightyear's wings were slightly translucent. Only noticed while rewatching almost 25 years later. My brother noticed; yes two men in their mid-thirties were watching Toy Story together.
Sid gets rained out and puts Buzz on the table next to Woody who has a Binford tool box on top of his crate. Binford is a fictional hardware/power tool company from Home Improvement Tv sitcom staring Tim Allen (voice character of Buzz Lightyear)
When Woody finds Buzz being played with by Hannah, Sid's Sister, Buzz introduces one of the dolls he's sitting with as "Marie Antoinette". Appropriately, she has been decapitated by Sid.
After Buzz tries to convince Woody to return home, the conclusion to the Woody's Roundup TV show - where Woody and Bullseye successfully jump the Grand Canyon - is audible. This proves that Stinky Pete lied to Jessie and Woody about the cliffhanger ending so that they'd stay.
The game guide Rex is reading at Al's Toy Barn is priced $4.95 USA and $50.00 Canada.
Ken says Libary the way a child would say it.
Before Bonnie's kindergarten orientation, a blonde kid is having cochlear implants being put in
During operation playtime in the beginning of the movie, Buzz has Andy's phone number written inside his communicator. The original sticker that had the communicator details is gone, because he peeled it off while he was depressed in Toy Story 1 (1995).
After Woody pleads for help, Baby Face taps in Morse code "RR COME OUT" to Sid's other toys.
The carpet at Sid's house in Toy Story (1995) was intentionally made the same as the carpet at the Overlook Hotel in The Shining (1980), one of many references to the horror film throughout the Pixar series.
The toys in the closet are credited as: Chairol Burnett (Carol Burnett), Melephant Brooks (Mel Brooks), Bitey White (Betty White), Carl Reinerocerous (Carl Reiner)
After Woody is taken at the yard sale, the toys all gather around the board game 'Clue' to figure out who toynapped him.
Woody changes facial expressions throughout the scene, foreshadowing him being sentient