Raiders Of The Lost Ark Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details
20 of the most interesting Raiders Of The Lost Ark easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Raiders Of The Lost Ark movie message.
Raiders Of The Lost Ark posterRaiders Of The Lost Ark Plot
In 1936, archaeologist and adventurer Indiana Jones is hired by the U.S. government to find the Ark of the Covenant before Adolf Hitler's Nazis can obtain its awesome powers.
Action, Adventure
Steven Spielberg
Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman, Ronald Lacey
IMDB score
Raiders Of The Lost Ark Movie Trivia
Stuntman Pat Roach has played significant roles in the first three Indiana Jones films. He was the pilot Indy fights in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), the slavedriver in Temple of Doom (1984), and one of the Nazis aboard the blimp in The Last Crusade (1989).
The u-boat U-96 is used in filming (Shown as U-26). It is the same u-boat used in Das Boot on loan to them as they were filming there at the time.
The submarine models built for Das Boot were also the ones used in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981).
During the fight in Marion's bar, three whiskeys are featured. Toht lights the bar top fire with Jack Daniels, a shattered bottle of Jim Beam is on the bar top, and Marion hands Indiana a bottle of Johnny Walker Black Label when he asks for Whiskey to use as a weapon.
They fired a chunk of telephone pole out of the bottom of the truck carrying Marion in an attempt to make it flip in the air before exploding ... the flip didn't work, and you can see the telephone pole sticking out of the bottom of the truck ...
the scene with the swordman (which was shot because Harrison Ford was sick), After the guy is shot, his right hand doesn't touch the floor for a few seconds. Also, if you didn't know, the butcher behind indy isn't really good at using a knife.
Raiders Of The Lost Ark Movie Easter Eggs
Written from a story by George Lucas has hieroglyphics of R2-D2 and C3PO in the chamber where the Ark of the Covenant is stored.
C3PO and R2D2 appear in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Raiders Of The Lost Ark movie hidden details
When Ren? Belloq opens the Ark he recites "???? ????", an actual Jewish prayer which is said in synagogues when the Torah Ark is opened. He omits the end of the prayer - which consists of a blessing to the Jewish people.
While fighting the thugs in Cairo, after one accidentally stabs another next to a fruit stand, its later revealed he also skewered some fruit as well!
It was important that the mechanic Indy fought be bald and shirtless: he would have felt the propeller wash which would have been visible in hair or fabric, illustrating it to the viewer.
Indy is holding a stick meassuring 5 kadams (6, one subtracted). One kadam is roughly equal to 29 cm (11"), meaning that he would be about 120 cm (4'2") tall.
On the way to the Well of Souls, Indy and Sallah's team crosses paths with Belloq.
Right before opening the Ark, the Nazis say a prayer said by Jews when they open the ark with the torahs in synagogues, but they leave out the ending that wishes good fortune on the Jews.
When Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen) is thrown out of her room by a German she gets mad at the soldiers and led into a submarine. When they get off the submarine, we see the same German bandaged up indicating a struggle with Marion.
The Map room has a grid of holes. These represent the day of the year, and there are 365 holes (12*30 + 5). The hole Indiana puts his stick into is two holes away from the ones the Nazis used two days earlier. This is also why the stick tick works at all.
If you look closely in Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), you can see that an image of R2-D2 and C-3PO appear as hieroglyphs behind Indiana Jones in and Ark scene.
When the basket is placed into the back of the truck, we see a man run off screen to the right. If you look closely when Indy is being accosted by beggars, you can see a truck tire come out from behind the first truck. That is the vehicle Marion was in all along.
The iconic scene in which Indiana Jones shoots the swordsman was requested by Harrison Ford. Ford contacted dysentery while shooting the film and he persuaded Steven Spielberg to do the scene this way for it to be less strenuous. Originally, it was more elaborate.
There are hieroglyphics of C-3PO and R2-D2 in the background of a scene.