Robocop Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details

13 of the most interesting Robocop easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Robocop movie message.

Robocop poster
Robocop poster
Robocop Plot

In a dystopic and crime-ridden Detroit, a terminally wounded cop returns to the force as a powerful cyborg haunted by submerged memories.

Genre Action, Crime, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Director Paul Verhoeven
Stars Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O'Herlihy, Ronny Cox
IMDB score 7.5

Robocop Movie Trivia

: In the Arcade scene, the majority of the video games were created by Data East, the creator behind the RoboCop video games.

Costume details in Robocop

1 - Because production scouts considered Detroit not futuristic enough, production took place in Dallas, where temperatures regularly exceed 100?. Peter Weller could lose 8 pounds in a day. He spent much of his time hydrating between takes with air hoses stuffed into his Robocop suit.

Because production scouts considered Detroit not futuristic enough, production took place in Dallas, where temperatures regularly exceed 100?. Peter Weller could lose 8 pounds in a day. He spent much of his time hydrating between takes with air hoses stuffed into his Robocop suit.

1 - The bad guy falling from the window at the end. Hard to believe they saw those arms and thought it looked great.

The bad guy falling from the window at the end. Hard to believe they saw those arms and thought it looked great.

Robocop Movie Foreshadowing

Murphy is set up to be part of the program from the very beginning

Robocop movie hidden details

1 - Robocop's thermal vision accurately displays gun barrels and ejected casings as hot

Robocop's thermal vision accurately displays gun barrels and ejected casings as hot

They wanted show "futuristic" widescreen TVs. So, they just slapped plastic frames onto existing 4:3 CRT TVs.

1 - During Murphy's ''reboot'' sequence, we can see that meetings with Orion Picture were to be banned.

During Murphy's ''reboot'' sequence, we can see that meetings with Orion Picture were to be banned.

Warehouse shootout. Robocop changes his aim from Clarence to Minh so he can deal with Clarence personally (at 2:00)

1 - Bad guy's Uzi has bolt to the rear indicating it is fully automatic.

Bad guy's Uzi has bolt to the rear indicating it is fully automatic.

Nash hits the top of Clarence's 6000 SUX and the rearview mirror falls off

You can hear the exact same grunting sounds from Murphy 3 times at 2:01, 2:06, 2:11.

There is a subtle detail showing Alex Murphy's fate after getting severly wounded. Notice his slightly altered appearance? This is a direct reference to the movie's title.

1 - Is 30.

Is 30.