Sherlock Holmes Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details

16 of the most interesting Sherlock Holmes easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Sherlock Holmes movie message.

Sherlock Holmes Movie Easter Eggs

1 - And The Gentleman (2020), both directed by Guy Richtie, each have a scene at the same graveyard -the Brompton Cemetary in London

And The Gentleman (2020), both directed by Guy Richtie, each have a scene at the same graveyard -the Brompton Cemetary in London

Sherlock Holmes movie hidden details

1 - He plays atonal clusters to get the flies to fly in a circular pattern. Later in the movie the same type of music plays when Sherlock is trying to save Watson from a series of bombs because he's trying to make order out of chaos.

He plays atonal clusters to get the flies to fly in a circular pattern. Later in the movie the same type of music plays when Sherlock is trying to save Watson from a series of bombs because he's trying to make order out of chaos.

When there is a death surrounding the case Sherlock is investigating, there is a Raven visible.

1 - When Sherlock Holmes is declared a wanted man, Scotland Yard does not have his picture. Sherlock doesn't sound surprised as he blocks his face every time there's a police photograph taken, like it's seen in the beginning of the movie.

When Sherlock Holmes is declared a wanted man, Scotland Yard does not have his picture. Sherlock doesn't sound surprised as he blocks his face every time there's a police photograph taken, like it's seen in the beginning of the movie.

1 - The costume designer is credited to the only scene where Holmes is naked.

The costume designer is credited to the only scene where Holmes is naked.

1 - Sherlock shows Watson that flies fly in circles to a musical scale, creating "order out of chaos". This is a Masonic maxim, thought to refer to the creation of a crisis to push through policies and laws amid the confusion, a strategy attempted by the villain in the film.

Sherlock shows Watson that flies fly in circles to a musical scale, creating "order out of chaos". This is a Masonic maxim, thought to refer to the creation of a crisis to push through policies and laws amid the confusion, a strategy attempted by the villain in the film.

- Watson to Sherlock, "You do know that what you're drinking is used for eye surgery?" This is a reference to Cocaine. In the novels Sherlock was known to use Cocaine to cure boredom between cases.

1 - Watson smells the drink he picks up to put out the fire to make sure its not alcohol as Holmes is known to be a heavy drinker

Watson smells the drink he picks up to put out the fire to make sure its not alcohol as Holmes is known to be a heavy drinker

Holmes and Moriarty's first encounter ends with Moriarty moving a black chess piece first, showing his willingness to break the rules and stay one step ahead of the law.

1 - While Sherlock and Moriarti are explaining their final moves as if it was a game of chess with their friends being the pieces, the ball room in which the final crucial encounters are happening has a checkered floor like a chess board.

While Sherlock and Moriarti are explaining their final moves as if it was a game of chess with their friends being the pieces, the ball room in which the final crucial encounters are happening has a checkered floor like a chess board.

1 - Sherlock mentions to Watson that the opera house is showing Don Giovanni. In the sequel, A Game of Shadows (2011), there is a key scene that takes place during a showing of Don Giovanni.

Sherlock mentions to Watson that the opera house is showing Don Giovanni. In the sequel, A Game of Shadows (2011), there is a key scene that takes place during a showing of Don Giovanni.

Before predicting Watson's future with his wife, the fortune teller is briefly seen scuttling away from Holmes after having (presumably) been told what to say

While under parliament, the action music in the fight scene between Holmes and the Frenchman is set to the tune of Big Ben's bell chime

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, the final confrontation ends depicted in a way similar to the art for the short story it was based on.

1 - <b></b>Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows (2011) during Holmes' funeral, just before Watson is revealed in the back, a man is pictured here in attendance. He is the same man Holmes meets in Sherlock Holmes (2009) in the jail yard who threatens Holmes but is later calmed by Holmes' camaraderie.

Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows (2011) during Holmes' funeral, just before Watson is revealed in the back, a man is pictured here in attendance. He is the same man Holmes meets in Sherlock Holmes (2009) in the jail yard who threatens Holmes but is later calmed by Holmes' camaraderie.

1 - Ravens are used to foreshadow several characters deaths. Ravens are usually associated with death because of their black plumage, croaking call and their tendency to eat dead animal flesh.

Ravens are used to foreshadow several characters deaths. Ravens are usually associated with death because of their black plumage, croaking call and their tendency to eat dead animal flesh.