The Hateful Eight Movie Facts, Easter Eggs and hidden details
32 of the most interesting The Hateful Eight easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of The Hateful Eight movie message.
In the dead of a Wyoming winter, a bounty hunter and his prisoner find shelter in a cabin currently inhabited by a collection of nefarious characters.
Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Western
Quentin Tarantino
Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Walton Goggins
IMDB score
The Hateful Eight Movie Trivia
Ennio Morricone included some musical cues from one of his earlier scores, The Thing (1982). Both films deal with individuals holed up in a snowbound location becoming increasingly paranoid of each other. Both star Kurt Russell.
The sign for Minnie's Haberdashery is written In Quentin Tarantino's handwriting
A 150yo antique guitar was supposed to be swapped for a replica, but sadly because of a miscommunication, the priceless instrument is smashed to pieces.
The only female characters named after Disney heroines: Daisy and Minnie
The Hateful Eight Movie Easter Eggs
Kurt Russell's "One of them fellas" line is a callback to a similar line from The Thing which he also starred in
The coffee scene in The Hateful Eight (2015)
Costume details in The Hateful Eight
The Hateful Eight Kurt Russel breaks a one-of-a-kind Martin from the 1870s that was on loan from the Martin Guitar Museum. The reaction from Jennifer Jason Leigh was of genuine surprise.
The guitar Kurt Russel smashes wasn't a prop but an antique Martin (circa 1870) that was lent to the crew from the Martin Guitar Museum. Kurt didn't know it was an antique, so he didn't hesitate to destroy it. The museum has since refused to lend out any instruments.
The Hateful Eight Movie Foreshadowing
Joe Gage's actions foreshadowed by the colour of his handkerchief (explanation in comments)
The Hateful Eight movie hidden details
When John Root throws his stew in Daisy's face, you see Joe Gage/Grouch Douglas get up ready to fight in the back, briefly breaking his facade and giving himself away. Nobody notices though. (I'm not tech savvy so sorry for substandard video)
When Chris and O.B. are laying guide lines in the blizzard, music from The Thing's soundtrack is played. The genius in this is that the characters in The Thing also use guide lines to navigate a blizzard throughout the movie.
Jody's line "say adios to your huevos" is a nod to Stiglitz's "say auf wiedersehen to your Nazi balls" in Inglorious Basterds (2009)- both directed by Tarantino
Major Warren is wearing the exact same outfit, while he's telling the story of killing the General's son, as he is on the day he killed him. This would lead the audience to believe that he clearly is telling a lie to make the General draw his gun first, out of rage.
When John Ruth throw stew to Daisy Domergue's face, John Gage, her gangmate, stand up to protect her. This is a sign to implying that her friends there to rescue her.
Daisy prevents John Ruth from being shot in the back by Oswaldo as soon as they arrive at Minnie's Haberdashery
Chris Mannix doesn't immediately kill Joe Gage after Warren is de-cocked because he claims to have no gun which further strengthens Chris's claim of being the sheriff of Red Rock because killing an unarmed man isn't something a sheriff would do.
'Joe Gage' waits until Warren is standing on the basement hatch before he speaks up.
Chris Mannix was always the first to follow Warren's commands significantly quicker than the other three. Symbolizing his innocence.
When dividing the room Oswaldo says that the fireplace area should represent Georgia. This pokes fun at Sherman's March to the Sea that happened during the Civil War.
"English Pete" Hicox goes under the alias Oswaldo Meaubry. This is foreshadowing for the fact that he's evil, as the name is an allusion to Oswald Mosley, leader of British fascism
After losing his gun, Joe Gage immediately sits down at the table he knows there is a stashed pistol in.
Fabricator Warren claims that Minnie used to have a sign saying "No Mexicans or dogs" that she took down when she started allowing dogs. In a flashback Minnie rather is seen allowing cats and receives Mexican Bob in her Haberdashery just as warmly as the others.
When "Oswaldo Mobray" first greets Daisy, you can see her stifling a laugh at the sight of her friend playing such a posh character with such over-exaggerated reactions.
When Chris Mannix is reading the letter from Abraham Lincoln addressed to Major Marquis out loud in the very last scene, Marquis mouths almost the entire letter as Chris reads it.
Z?e bell character (Judy) uses a very similar outfit to her mysterious character in Django Unchained.
During the conversation with the general, Se?or Bob starts playing the piano slowly and messing up, while he ends the scene playing perfectly, indicating he hasn't played the piano in a very long time and is picking it back up.
You can hear commotion from the haberdashery during the carriage scene.
Jennifer Jason Leigh's reaction to Kurt Russell's character smashing the guitar is genuine. Unbeknownst to Russell, the guitar was never switched when shooting the scene, and he ended up destroying a priceless 145 year old antique.
As soon as John Ruth removes Joe Gage's gun, Joe Gage goes and sits at a table that has a gun stashed under it. Earlier, he stated he felt naked with out it.
Daisy smiles wide the moment she sees Oswaldo Mulberry. She knows the gang is here to save her.
Major Warren claims that he does not know who John Ruth's bounty is. This is because of John Ruth's consistent mispronunciation of her name. He keeps mispronouncing her name as Dahmer-goo, but he finally recognizes her when she pronounces her own name as Do-ming-grey.
The door is broken throughout the movie because Bob tries to shoot the porter as he escapes.