12 of the most interesting Crazy easter eggs you didn't know about. Handpicked and verified, these little-known hidden details can be obscure enough most people will miss. These behind the scene easter eggs and hidden messages will give you another view of Crazy movie message.
Benjamin is a 16 year old, paralyzed on one side of his body, with lousy grades in math, who switches to a boarding school to reach grammar school. Acclimatization to the new environment is...
Hans-Christian Schmid
Robert Stadlober, Tom Schilling, Oona-Devi Liebich, Julia Hummer
IMDB score
Crazy Movie Trivia
The characters fly to Colin's bachelor party in a formation of helicopters while "Ride of the Valkyries" plays, a clear reference to Apocalypse Now (1979).
Crazy Movie Easter Eggs
Stupid, Love (2011), Julianne Moore's character who plays Steve Carell's wife has the title of "Associate to the Vice President". In the show The Office (2005), there was a running gag about Dwight Shrute being Steve Carell's Assistant to the Regional Manager.
Stupid, Love (2011) Jonah Bobo's character is deleting a contact out of his phone, and the name Joey K. is shown, which is the name of the actress playing his sister in the movie, Joey King.
Stupid, Love (2011), there seem to be a few references to The Office. Julianne Moore's character's job title and Gosling's character is eating Sabarro, (Michael's favorite) which seems very out of character.
. No source straight from movie but I'll keep this updated.
Crazy movie hidden details
Stupid, Love (2011), 1 minute into the film you can see Hannah (Emma Stone) in a family picture.
Stupid, Love" when Cal and Jacob are working out, Jacob's inverted push-up is meant to strengthen him for his signature pickup move: the lift from Dirty Dancing
Early on in the story Rachel's Mom tells her not to wear Blue and White as those are colors worn when burying/mourning the dead. Later on when Rachel and Astrid are burying a fish used to vandalize her room in the hotel. Astrid is seen wearing a Blue and White Shirt.
Stupid love (2011), Steve Carell's character actually spoils the twist near the beginning of the film. One of the first scenes has Ryan Gosling talking to Hannah in a bar and saying her name several times.
: Actual Shot for Shot remakes of TLC's music videos, interviews and award show speeches
the beginning of Crazy, Stupid, Love, (2011) the title slowly begins to drift apart referring to the main character wanting a divorce.